SAP Appeal Process

Students who have experienced extenuating circumstances and lost financial aid eligibility may appeal by submitting a Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal at along with supporting documentation. The student must explain why they failed to make satisfactory academic progress and what has changed in the student's situation that will allow them to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation. The basis on which a student may file an appeal include the death of a relative, injury or illness of the student or an immediate family member, or other special circumstances. 

• All Satisfactory Academic Progress appeals must be submitted electronically at You will be required to provide a detailed explanation of mitigating circumstances, supporting documentation, and a statement explaining what has changed that will allow you to be successful. 

• Appeals submitted without supporting documentation will be denied. 

• The appeal will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. Notification of the appeal decision and conditions of any approval will be available at, your MGA email account, and in SWORDS. 

• If assigned an academic plan and the conditions of that plan are not met, the appeal will be rescinded, and financial aid eligibility will be immediately suspended. Students will be notified by email and the SWORDS Message Portal. 

• Students whose appeals are denied or rescinded will be required to pay tuition/fees in full by the next published fee payment deadline. 

• Approval of all appeals is determined on a case-by-case basis and is not guaranteed. 

• If an appeal is denied, or a student chooses not to appeal, the student can regain eligibility by reaching required standards per SAP Policy at his/her own expense. Students in violation of the maximum timeframe component whose appeal has been denied will be ineligible indefinitely. 

• Decisions made by the SAP Committee are final, and no further appeal from the student will be accepted by the Office of Financial Aid, the US Department of Education, or any other department at MGA. 

If a student’s SAP appeal is denied, they can still enroll in classes at Middle Georgia State University provided they are in good academic standing. They have the option to pay their balance in full each semester, enroll in a payment plan offered by the Bursar’s Office if applicable, or apply for an alternative student loan through a bank or credit union. 

Deadline: Students must appeal by the midterm point of the current semester in which they expect to receive aid. Appeals submitted with no documentation will automatically be denied.