Academic Circumstances that Affect Satisfactory Academic Progress Status

• Failing grades, withdrawals and incompletes at MGA reduce your completion rate as well as counting against maximum attempted hours. 
• Dropped Classes: Courses dropped prior to the drop/add period will not be counted as attempted hours. 
• Withdrawing from the University: When a student officially withdraws from the university, any credit hours showing as attempted will be included in the SAP review. 
• Students who are suspended academically or choose not to attend because of SAP Suspension will not be automatically eligible for financial aid upon their return. Absence does not restore eligibility for financial aid. It remains the responsibility of the student to be knowledgeable of their SAP status when returning to school after dismissal or choosing not to return because of SAP Suspension. 
• Incomplete Grades: Incomplete credit hours will be considered as attempted credit hours when calculating the pace component of SAP. Grades will be included in the cumulative GPA component of SAP during the term in which they were assigned. 
• Grade changes require students to submit a written request to have SAP recalculated after confirmation has been received that grade change has been posted to academic history. 
• Audit Courses – Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audit courses. Audited courses are not included in hours attempted or earned for SAP determination. Audit courses are assigned grades of “V” on a student’s transcript. 
• CLEP Courses are counted as earned credit hours but are not counted as attempted hours for SAP purposes. CLEP courses are assigned grades of “K” on a student’s transcript.