ECSE 3200 The Art of Language and Literature
In this course, candidates will study and apply pedagogical knowledge and content skills in various areas of language arts and literature. Candidates will examine a variety of literature across grade bands to support cognitive, social, psychological, ethical, and language development. Special emphasis is placed on: the evaluation and use of children's and adolescent's texts (traditional print, digital, and online) in the classroom, acquiring knowledge about how to integrate literature across the disciplines, methods of teaching and assessing the English Language Arts: oral language, listening, reading, writing, visualizing, and visually representing, and direct instruction in writing, within the context of the composing process. The course includes a field experience, technology integration, and research. This course is aligned with state and national standards.
Prerequisites: Formal acceptance into the Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education track, Pass Checkpoints 1, 2 & 3 and hold a valid Pre-Service Certificate
Lecture Hours
3 hours