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Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 ยป Programs of Study
Aircraft Structural Technology (A.A.S.)
Aircraft Structural Technology (Certificate)
Aircraft Structural Technology - Structural Worker (Certificate)
Airline Management (Certificate)
Airport Management (Certificate)
Air Traffic Management (A.A.S.)
Art (A.A.)
Aviation Maintenance Technology (A.A.S.)
Aviation Maintenance Technology Airframe and Powerplant (Certificate)
Aviation Maintenance Technology - Airframe Certificate
Aviation Maintenance Technology-Powerplant (Certificate)
Aviation Science and Management (B.S.)
Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Biology (B.S.)
Business Administration (B.S.)
Gerontology (Certificate)
Commercial Pilot Airplane (Certificate)
Commercial Pilot Helicopter (Certificate)
Contemporary Musicianship (B.A.)
Information Technology (B.S.)
Criminal Justice (A.S.)
Criminal Justice (B.S.)
Criminal Justice (Certificate)
Cybersecurity (Certificate)
Early Childhood Special Education (B.S.)
English (B.A.)
European Union Studies (Certificate)
Film Production (Certificate)
Financial Technology Certificate
Financial Technology (Fintech) (A.S.)
Flight Instructor Airplane (Certificate)
Flight Instructor Helicopter (Certificate)
Flight Technology Airplane (Certificate)
Flight Technology Helicopter (Certificate)
Health Science (A.S.)
Health Services Administration (B.S.)
History (B.A.)
Instrument Pilot Rating Airplane (Certificate)
Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.)
Interdisciplinary Studies (B.S.)
Mathematics (B.S.)
Modern (Foreign) Language (A.A.)
Multi-Engine Pilot Airplane (Certificate)
Music (A.A.)
Network Administration (Certificate)
New Media and Communications (B.A.)
Nursing (A.S.)
Nursing (B.S.)
Nursing (B.S.) (RN to BSN Completion)
Occupational Therapy Assistant (A.S.)
Political Science (A.S.)
Political Science (B.S.)
Psychology (B.S.)
Public Service/ Human Services (B.S.)
Respiratory Therapy (A.S.)
Respiratory Therapy (Completion)
Technical Management (B.A.S.) (Formerly Business Management)
Unmanned Aerial Systems Operator (Certificate)
Web Design (Certificate)