Bachelor of Arts in Applied Art & Design

CIP Code


The BA in Applied Art & Design is a flexible, professionally-oriented curriculum for students who seek employment in an array of creative sectors including graphic design, advertising, computer graphics, publishing, creative web design, and film.  The program includes an embedded professional minor in areas such as business, information technology, and professional writing to prepare students for the working world.  Optional concentrations in Visual Communication and Film offer students the opportunity to specialize in high-demand areas of employment.   

Curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Art & Design

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

See listing of requirements

Area F Lower Division Major Courses (Credits: 18 Hours)

Required Lower Division Major Courses (Credits: 15 Hours)

Take All of the Following: 

ARTS 1010Drawing I

3 credits

ARTS 1011Drawing II

3 credits

ARTS 10202D Design

3 credits

ARTS 10303D Design

3 credits


ARTS 2010Art History I: Prehistoric to Gothic

3 credits


ARTS 2011Art History II: Renaissance to Present

3 credits

Art Elective (Credits: 3 Hours)

Choose One of the Following:

ITEC 2215Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits

ARTS 2015Photography

3 credits

ARTS 2016Computer Graphics I

3 credits

ARTS 2651Digital Photography

3 credits

Upper Level Courses (Credits: 60 Hours)

Required Art Core (24 Hours)

Take All of the Following :  

ARTS 2010Art History I: Prehistoric to Gothic

3 credits


ARTS 2011Art History II: Renaissance to Present

3 credits


ARTS 3013Sculpture I

3 credits


ARTS 3014Ceramics I

3 credits


ARTS 3017Introduction to Graphic Design


ARTS 3020Figure Drawing

3 credits

ARTS 3205Color & Design Theory


ARTS 3321Painting I

3 credits

ARTS 3999Special Topics in Art History


ARTS 4900Senior Portfolio & Exhibition

3 credits

Required Professional Minor or Certificate (Credits: 15-18 Hours)

Students should choose a minor in Business, Information Technology, Professional Writing, Web Design and Information Technology OR the Georgia Film Academy Certificate.  Other minors may be selected with the approval of an advisor. 

Note:  the Business minor may credential students to pursue MGA’s MS in Management.  

Open Electives (Credits: 18-21 Hours)

Optional Concentrations (Credits: 21 Hours)

Students have the option of using their electives to pursue one of the following high-demand applied art concentrations. 

Visual Communications Concentration (Credits: 21 Hours)

Visual Communications Core (Credits: 9 Hours)

Take All of the Following:

COMM 3030Visual Communication


HUMN 4480History of Print

3 credits

ARTS 3237Graphic Design Methods


Visual Communications Elective (Credits: 12 Hours)

Choose Four of the Following:

ARTS 2015Photography

3 credits

ARTS 2016Computer Graphics I

3 credits

ARTS 2651Digital Photography

3 credits

ARTS 3037Computer Graphics Design Methods


ARTS 4038Web Design for Artists

3 credits

ITEC 3236Interactive Digital Media

3 credits

ITEC 4230Graphic Imaging

3 credits

NMAC 3145Introduction to Media Production

3 credits

NMAC 3600Digital Storytelling

3 credits

NMAC 3651Digital Photography & Criticism

3 credits

Film Concentration (Credits: 21 Hours)

Film Core (Credits: 15 Hours)

Take All of the Following: 

NMAC 3145Introduction to Media Production

3 credits

NMAC 3600Digital Storytelling

3 credits

NMAC 4450Documentary Film Production

3 credits

NMAC 4451Fiction Film Production

3 credits

NMAC 4481Film Analysis

3 credits

Film Electives (Credits: 6 Hours)

Choose Two of the Following:

NMAC 4001Film History I

3 credits

NMAC 4002Film History II

3 credits

NMAC 4440/CRWR 4440Screenwriting

3 credits

NMAC 4482Film Theory

3 credits

Applied Art concentrations are optional. 

Students must complete 39 semester hours of 3000- or 4000-level coursework to earn the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Art & Design. 

Students should select both required electives and other electives in consultation with their faculty mentor in order to choose classes that will best prepare the student for career goals.