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Mathematics (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics includes three concentrations: General Mathematics, Secondary Education, and Applied Statistics.

Candidates for the Mathematics B.S. program must complete all graduation requirements outlined in the Middle Georgia State University Catalog. A grade of C or higher must be earned in all courses outside of Core IMPACTS and Field of Study used to satisfy the major.

Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Core IMPACTS (Credit: 42 hours)

It is recommended that students pursuing a degree in mathematics follow these recommendations for optimal progression of degree completion. Failure to follow these recommendations will result in having to take additional coursework outside of Core IMPACTS requirements to meet the requirements for the major.

Mathematics & Quantitative Skills:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Mathematics & Quantitative Skills Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in mathematics complete either MATH 1112 (Trigonometry) or MATH 1113 (Precalculus) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

Technology, Math, & Science Option:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Technology, Math, & Science Option Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in mathematics complete MATH 1251 (Calculus I) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

See listing of requirements for Core IMPACTS


Field of Study (Credit: 18 hours)

MATH 1371Computing for the Mathematical Sciences



CSCI 1301Computer Science I



MATH 2252Calculus II


MATH 2253Calculus III


MATH 2260Introduction to Linear Algebra


MATH 2120Discrete Mathematics



MATH 2270Differential Equations


Three hours of MATH 2270 credits will be applied to the Field of Study and the additional one hour of credit may be applied to the upper level curriculum.

Note: The General Mathematics and Secondary Education Certification Track require MATH 2270 in the Field of Study.


The upper-level curriculum consists of two areas. Area I is a set of upper-level courses common to all concentrations. Area II is satisfied by completing coursework in a concentration.

Note: Students cannot receive credit for both MATH 3500 and MATH 3600, for both MATH 4611 and MATH 4621, or for both MATH 4612 and MATH 4622.

Note: A grade of C or higher must be earned in all courses outside of Core IMPACTS and Field of Study used to satisfy the major.

Area I: Common Upper-Level Courses (11 hours)

MATH 3207Communicating Mathematics


MATH 3251Applied Combinatorics


MATH 3600Probability and Statistics


Note: One hour of credit for MATH 1251 from the Technology, Math, & Science Option.

Area II: Upper-Level Concentration (49 hours)

This area is satisfied by completing a Mathematics/Statistics concentration.

General Mathematics Concentration

Mathematics is the language of science and is used in a multitude of interesting and rewarding disciplines. The Mathematics concentration helps students develop critical thinking skills and an inquisitive and analytical approach to problem solving. Such skills are highly sought by employers as well as graduate and professional schools. The demand for mathematicians is vast including fields as diverse as robotics, national security, animated films, climate study, and medicine.

Required Major Field Courses (13 hours)
MATH 3040Bridge to Higher Mathematics


MATH 3260Modern Algebra


MATH 4150Linear Algebra


MATH 4260Mathematical Analysis


One hour of credit for MATH 2270 from Area F.

Major Field Electives (21 hours)

Any mathematics course at or above the 3000-level excluding Elementary/Special Education courses (MATH 3106, MATH 3110, MATH 3156, MATH 4146).

General Electives (Credit: 15 Hours)

Any course at or above the 2000-level selected with the guidance of an advisor.

Mathematics Secondary Education Certification Track

The Secondary Education Certification track provides a pathway for students interested in teaching in grades 6-12.  Well-prepared teachers are in high demand to meet the needs of economic growth and technological advances.  In the Secondary Education Concentration track, students learn strong foundations in content knowledge across diverse areas of the discipline, along with the skills necessary to convey these concepts to others.  This program adheres to all state and national standards and provides credentials to teach the chosen content area in grades 6-12.  For additional information, please access the Secondary Education Certification track section of the Department of Teacher Education and Social Work.  [Add a hyperlink to the Secondary Education Certification track information within the Department of Teacher Education and Social Work section of the catalog here.]

Required Major Field Courses (10 hours)
MATH 3040Bridge to Higher Mathematics


MATH 3510Foundations of Geometry


MATH 4150Linear Algebra


One hour of credit for MATH 2270 from the Field of Study.

Major Field Electives (9 hours)

Any mathematics course at or above the 3000-level excluding Elementary/Special Education courses (MATH 3106, MATH 3110, MATH 3156, MATH 4146).

Education Courses (Credit: 27 Hours)
EDUC 3100Reading in Multiple Literacies


EDUC 3520Classroom Management

2 Credits

EDUC 4120Integrated Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


EDUC 4130Methods in Content Area


EDUC 4140Practicum


EDUC 4150Clinical


SPED 3110Introduction to the Exception Learner


Students apply for the Secondary Education Certification track during the spring semester of their junior year.  Admission, progression, and graduation requirements for the track can be found in the Academic Catalog under Secondary Education Certification track.  Secondary Education Certification track information within the Department of Teacher Education and Social Work here.

General Electives (Credit: 3 Hours)

Note: Any course at or above the 2000-level selected with the guidance of an advisor.

Applied Statistics Concentration

In today’s world, the analysis of data plays an increasing role in decisions being made across disciplines such engineering, information technology, business, and the life, health, physical, and social sciences. The Applied Statistics concentration prepares students to understand statistical methods, theory, and computation – techniques that enhance their personal skills and prepares them for an array of career opportunities.

Required Major Field Courses (18 hours)
MATH 3440Data Exploration and Visualization


MATH 4300Regression Analysis


MATH 4611Applied Statistics I


MATH 4612Applied Statistics II


MATH 4600Probability and Statistics II


MATH 4700Introduction to Experimental Design


Major Field Electives (17 hours)

Choose 17 hours of mathematics courses at or above the 3000-level [excluding Elementary/Special Education courses (MATH 3106, MATH 3110, MATH 3156, MATH 4146)], or any courses from the following list:

ITEC 3100Python Scripting


ITEC 3245Database Principles


ITEC 3351Analytics and Organizational Intelligence


ITEC 3355Data Mining


ITEC 4061Coding Fundamentals


ITEC 4063Scripting


ITEC 4244Database Programming


ITEC 4250Computational Intelligence


ITEC 4261Intro to JAVA Programming


ITEC 4264Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis


ITEC 4266C++ Programming


General Electives (Credit: 14 Hours)

Any course at or above the 2000-level selected with the guidance of an advisor.

Total Hours: 120