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Associate of Science, Core Curriculum

Students may earn the Associate of Science Core Curriculum by completing all Core IMPACTS (42 credits) plus a Field of Study (18 credits). Total Credits = 60

It is recommended that students pursuing an associate science degree follow these recommendations for optimal progression of degree completion. Failure to follow these recommendations will result in having to take additional coursework outside of Core IMPACTS requirements to meet the requirements for the major.

Mathematics & Quantitative Skills:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Mathematics & Quantitative Skills Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing an associate of science complete either MATH 1112 (Trigonometry) or MATH 1113 (Precalculus) or MATH 1251 (Calculus) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

Technology, Math, & Science (Lab Science):

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Technology, Math, & Science Option Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing an associate of science complete one of the following lab science sequences: BIOL 2107-2108 (Principles of Biology I and II and Lab), CHEM 1211-1212 (Principles of Chemistry I and II and Lab), CHEM 2211 (Organic Chemistry I and Lab), GEOL 1125-1126 (Physical/Historical Geology), PHYS 1111-1112 (Introductory Physics I and II and Lab), or PHYS 2211-2212 (Principles of Physics I and II and Lab) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

Technology, Math, & Science Option:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Technology, Math, & Science Option Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing an associate of science complete CSCI 1301 (Computer Science), MATH 1401 (Elementary Statistics), MATH 1251 (Calculus I), MATH 1371 (Computing for the Mathematical Sciences), MATH 2120 (Discrete Mathematics), MATH 2252 (Calculus II) 4 credits in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

Field of Study Requirements:

Students must first meet the prerequisite for any course they choose.

*Note: Field of Study can be composed of any combination of Field of Study classes. Each program requires a set of courses that are prerequisites to courses within a major at higher levels. Students planning to work towards a baccalaureate degree should consult with their advisors to select Field of Study courses that meet listed requirements of that degree program. See the program page for requirements by degree and major.