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Political Science (B.S.)

Political science historically has been one of the most popular undergraduate majors in America. While many political science majors do go on to careers in Washington or state and local government, it is a degree that provides a foundation for many career options. A deep understanding of how politics and government works can be of value in many jobs, including those in business, journalism and public relations, law, and non-profits, among other possibilities.

The political science degree program at Middle Georgia State University reflects the increasing demand in our society for college graduates who can think critically, collect and analyze data and other evidence, and synthesize and present their findings to others, marrying theory and application. The research and writing skills students gain in this program enable them to help find solutions for many of the challenges our world, nation, state, and region face in an increasingly complex world.

Given the many career pathways available for students majoring in political science, we offer a very flexible curriculum allowing students to focus either on more traditional "academic" topics or the skills necessary in governmental and non-profit service. This flexibility also allows students to find connections with other fields of study through a minor or certificate programs, allowing them to tailor their coursework to their workforce aspirations and life goals.

In addition, the political science degree, particularly in combination with a minor in the humanities or another social science field, is also an ideal foundation for teacher certification at the middle school and high school levels via the Master of Arts in Teaching program offered by Middle Georgia State University.

Note: Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1401, POLS 1101, all Lower Division Major Requirements coursework, all Major Requirements coursework, and Political Science Electives coursework in the degree program. Open Electives coursework must be passed with a “D” or higher.

Curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Political Science

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

See listing of requirements.

Students may fulfill Core IMPACTS Technology, Science, and Mathematics requirements for either non-science majors or science majors.

Lower Division Major Requirements (Credit: 18 hours)

Political Science Foundation Courses (Credit: 9 hours)

POLS 2101Introduction to Political Science


POLS 2201State and Local Government


POLS 2401Global Issues


Statistics (Credit: 3 hours)

All political science majors must take MATH 1401 or MATH 1401H. Students may optionally count MATH 1401 or MATH 1401H in an appropriate Core IMPACTS area and may instead select an additional course (3 hours) from the listing under “Electives” below.

MATH 1401Elementary Statistics


MATH 1401HHonors Elementary Statistics


Electives (Credit: 6 hours)

Choose two courses (6 hours) from the list of courses below. Foreign language courses at the 1000 or 2000 level are also acceptable. Additional hours earned in these courses beyond 6 hours may be applied in the Electives section of the major.

AADS 2000Introduction to African and African Diaspora Studies


ANTH 1102Introduction to Anthropology


CSCI 1301Computer Science I


CSCI 1302Computer Science II


Foreign (Modern) Language (Any)


ECON 2105Principles of Macroeconomics


ECON 2105HHONORS Principles of Macroeconomics


ECON 2106Principles of Microeconomics


ECON 2106HHonors Principles of Microeconomics


GEOG 1101Introduction to Human Geography


HIST 1111History of World Civilization to 1650


HIST 1111HHonors History of World Civilization to 1650


HIST 1112History of World Civilization since 1650


HIST 1112HHonors History of World Civilization since 1650


HIST 1190History of World Religions


HIST 2111United States History to 1865


HIST 2111HHonors United States History to 1865


HIST 2112United States History since 1865


HIST 2112HHonors United States History Since 1865


ITEC 2260Introduction to Computer Programming


MATH 1251Calculus I


MATH 1401Elementary Statistics


MATH 1401HHonors Elementary Statistics


MATH 1501Calculus I


MATH 2252Calculus II


MATH 2253Calculus III


MATH 2401Elementary Statistics II


PHIL 2010Introduction to Philosophy


PSYC 1101Introduction to Psychology


PSYC 1101HHonors Introduction to General Psychology


SOCI 1101Introduction to Sociology


SOCI 1101HHonors Introduction to Sociology


SOCI 1160Introduction to Social Problems


Upper-Level Courses (Credit: 60 hours)

Major Requirements (Credit: 21 hours)

POLS 2301Introduction to Comparative Politics


POLS 2601Introduction to Public Administration


POLS 3000Research Methods in Political Science


POLS 3030Introduction to Public Policy


POLS 3045Public Opinion and Political Behavior


POLS 3701International Relations


POLS 4900Capstone Seminar in Political Science


Political Science Electives (Credit: 18 hours)

Choose six additional courses (18 semester hours) in political science, numbered POLS 3000 or above.

Students may use three semester hours of internship credit from POLS 4985 or POLS 4986 toward this requirement.

Up to two European Union Studies courses with the EURO prefix, numbered 3000 or above, may be used to fulfill this requirement.

POLS 3999 may be counted more than once when taken with different topics. Upper-level transfer credit in political science or its subfields may also be applied toward this requirement.

Open Electives (Credit: 21 hours)

Students must earn 21 additional hours of credit in any field or fields of study; at least 6 of these hours must be at the 3000 level or above. Transfer credit without MGA equivalents can be applied toward this requirement.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete a suitable undergraduate minor, second major, and/or an undergraduate certificate program in consultation with their academic advisor. Students may not complete both a major and a minor in political science.

Students considering a career in paralegal work or attending law school should consider the pre-law minor.

Students considering graduate study in political science, public policy, or public administration should strongly consider a minor in statistics.

Students directly entering the workforce might consider a minor in business, professional writing, or public relations.

Students with an interest in international politics and culture might consider completing the USG European Union Studies Certificate program or a minor in African and African Diaspora Studies, global studies, or Spanish.

Other minors of potential interest to political science majors include criminal justice, education, gender studies, information technology, mathematics, psychology, social work, sociology, U.S. history, web design and instructional technology, and world history.

Total hours: 120