Grade Point Average (GPA)

Academic Standing is based on this average. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of academic credit hour quality points a student has earned by the total number of grade point average hours (GPA hours) the student has attempted. (See Academic Standing for further information).

Final grades are available to students through SWORDS, the Middle Georgia State University online registration system.

The following grade symbols are used but are not included in computing the grade point average:


An incomplete grade (I) indicates that the student for non-academic reasons was unable to complete the requirements for a course. All outstanding work must be completed before the end of the next semester. Incomplete grades are awarded at the discretion of the instructor. In addition, a student must have completed a majority of the coursework and be passing the course, but for reasons beyond control, such as illness or family emergency, could not complete course requirements.

If an I grade is not removed from any students record in the defined time period, a grade of F is assigned to the course. Once an I grade is rolled to an F, it may not be changed without the approval of the Dean.


The In Progress grade (IP) indicates that credit has not been given in courses that require a continuation of work beyond the term for which the student signed up for the course. This symbol cannot be substituted for an “I.”

W This indicates a withdrawal without penalty and is assigned when students withdraw from courses by the deadline to withdraw without penalty.
WM Withdrew, military emergency. 
V This indicates that the course was audited, and the student receives no quality points.
K This indicates that the credit was granted via an Advanced Standing Credit Examination or a CLEP Examination.
NR Grade Not Reported by instructor by grade deadline for the term.
The following grade symbols are used and included in computing the grade point average:
WF This indicates that the student withdrew from a course after the deadline to withdraw without penalty or the withdrawal exceeded the 5 withdrawal limit. A WF grade is counted the same as a “F” grade in the GPA calculation. In cases of hardship, approved by the Office of Academic Affairs, students may receive the W after the deadline to withdraw without penalty.