Placement Exams
ACCUPLACER exam scores, when appropriate, can be used to exempt a student from learning support placement. ACCUPLACER scores for Learning support exemption can be found in the Learning Support section of the catalog.
ACCUPLACER exams are administered through the Testing Center. Additional information can be obtained at or by contacting the Testing Center.
A student who has been dismissed and has not taken any college work in the USG system for at least one year may be retested in any Learning Support area. If the ACCUPLACER exam exemption scores are achieved, the student will be readmitted without any LS requirements. ACCUPLACER scores from tests administered by other USG or non-USG institutions or agencies may be accepted if the scores are transmitted through official secure channels. ACCUPLACER test scores are good for one year.
Mathematics Placement Exam
Placement into the appropriate mathematics course is key to successfully completing all mathematics requirements in a program of study. Students have the option of using the ALEKS PPL program to determine the appropriate mathematics course. The ALEKS PPL program assessment must be completed prior to enrolling in College Algebra (MATH 1111), Plane Trigonometry (MATH 1112), Precalculus Mathematics (MATH 1113), Discrete Mathematics (MATH 2120) or Calculus I (MATH 1251) unless one or more of the other prerequisites have been satisfied. Additional information about the ALEKS PPL program is available at
Minimum ALEKS scores for the various mathematics courses are as follows. A student should consult with an advisor for the appropriate mathematics course.
Courses (non-STEM Majors) |
Courses (STEM Majors) |
46-60 |
MATH 1001* |
MATH 1111 |
61-75 |
MATH 1001* |
MATH 1112 or MATH 1113 |
76-100 |
MATH 1001* |
MATH 1251 |
Placement Policy for Language Courses
It is in a student's best interest to take the language course that best fits their abilities.
ML 1001 is appropriate for students who have no previous language-learning experience, who can say a few words of phrases, and/or who have a CPC deficiency in foreign language.
Students wishing to take ML 1002 or beyond must first contact the Department of Media, Culture, and the Arts, and take a placement test or provide CLEP exam credits. Students have the option to take a departmental placement test for FREN 1001 – 2002 and SPAN 1001 – 2002. Students may also use CLEP exam credits for German. Students must first speak to a Modern Language advisor regarding placement for Korean.
Prerequisite overrides must be approved by a Modern Language advisor.
Students who pass the Modern Language program's placement test in French or Spanish and place into a course (testing out of ML 1001 and taking ML 1002 for instance) will receive K credit for the course(s) out of which they tested. Students may take the program's placement exam only once.