Background Check Policy Related to Admission

Applicants to Middle Georgia State University are required to answer accurately on the GA411 application for admission and on any paper applications questions related to prior or pending charges and convictions. An affirmative answer to the questions does not automatically mean an admissions denial but requires further review before a decision is made. 

Applicants who mark “yes” to any of the criminal questions will undergo further review through the following methods:

  • A completed background questionnaire will be required to be returned to the Office of Admissions.
  • A signature is required on the questionnaire form, allowing the University to perform a background check and investigation. For out of state arrests or convictions, applicants will be required to pay for a national background check. (Specific information on how to proceed with a national background check will be sent to the applicant in a letter.)
  • Upon receipt of the background check, the Assistant Vice President for Admissions and/or the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs will review the report and determine whether an admission decision can proceed forward or whether an interview with the Assessment and Care Team (ACT) Committee is required.
  • The committee will consist of representatives from Campus Police, Residence Life, Counseling Services and the Student Affairs office.
  • Once a decision concerning admission is made, the Assistant Vice President for Admissions is notified.
  • The applicant will be notified of final decision by letter.
  • The decision of the Assessment and Care Team Committee will be final. Applicants may reapply after one year and are strongly encouraged to consider other educational opportunities, to think about more specific life lessons learned, and/or more specific educational/career goals.

Admissions decisions are contingent upon the results of criminal history information provided by the applicant or obtained during a background investigation. Applicants that demonstrate a history of criminal activity or behavior will be considered based on the nature, number and gravity of crimes for which the applicant was convicted and the amount of time that has passed since the conviction.

Applicants that fail to report criminal history information may be removed from further consideration in the admissions process. All statements made in admissions applications must be true and complete. Discrepancies, misstatements, omissions, and/or falsifications may be cause for denial. If an applicant is admitted and it is later determined that the information provided during the admissions process was not factual or complete, the applicant may face student conduct charges.