BIOL 1002KH Honors Introductory Biology II

This non-major's honors course, the second in a lab sequence, is designed to increase an appreciation for the basic concepts of biology, including an understanding of the scientific method and experimental design. To achieve this goal, the subject areas of evolution, organismal diversity and ecology will be investigated. Students will participate in an honors laboratory section where they will conduct an in-depth study of the methods of scientific investigation. Students will be required to submit projects related to lecture subjects. Corequisite lab course required.



Lecture Hours

3 hours


Admission to the Honors Program and BIOL 1001K or BIOL 1001KH


BIOL 1002L


Students cannot receive graduation credit for both BIOL 1001K and BIOL 2107K or for both BIOL 1002K and BIOL 2108K.