Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024
> AVMT - Aviation Management Technology
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The Office of Graduate Studies Academic Catalog 2023-2024
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025.
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AADS - African and African Diaspora Studies
ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis
ACCT - Accounting
ACES - Aircraft Structural Technology
AERO - Aviation Management
AMKT - Aviation Science and Marketing
AMTP - Aviation Maint Technology
ANTH - Anthropology
ARTS - Art
ASPC - Aerospace
ASTP - Aircraft Structural Technology
ASTR - Astronomy
ATCM - Air Traffic Management
AVIA - Aviation Flight
AVMT - Aviation Management Technology
AVNC - Avionics Technology
BIOL - Biology
BMGT - Business Management
BMKT - Business Marketing
BUSA - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
COMM - Communication
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CRWR - Creative Writing Curriculum
CSCI - Computer Science
DATA - Data Science
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENVS - Environment Science
ESE - Elementary Special Education
ETEC - Electronic Technology
EURO - European Studies
FILM - Film Production
FINA - Finance
FREN - French
FTA - Financial Technology
FYES - Freshman Year Experience
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GFA - Georgia Film Academy
GRMN - German
HIST - History
HLSA - Health Services Administration
HLTH - Health
HS - Health Science
HUMN - Humanities
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
ISCI - Integrated Science
ITEC - Information Technology
KOR - Korean
LATN - Latin
LEAD - Leadership
LENB - Legal Environment of Business
MATH - Mathematics
MCOM - Mass Communication
MGMT - Management
MIL - Military Science
MKTG - Marketing
MUSA - Music-Applied
MUSC - Music
NMAC - New Media and Communications
NURS - Nursing
OCTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
PBSV - Public Service
PFWR - Professional Writing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLA - Prior Learning Assessment
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
RESP - Respiratory Therapy
SCIE - Science
SCM - Supply Chain Management
SMGT - Sport Management
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SSCI - Social Sciences
SURV - Surveying
THEA - Theatre
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AVMT - Aviation Management Technology
AVMT 1000
Aviation Mathematics and Physics
AVMT 1010
Aviation Maintenance Regulations and Human Factors
AVMT 1020
Aircraft Applied Science I
AVMT 1025
Aircraft Applied Science II
AVMT 1030
Fundamentals of Aircraft Electricity and Electronics
AVMT 2010
Aircraft Non-Metallic Structures
AVMT 2020
Aircraft Metallic Structures
AVMT 2040
Aircraft Flight Controls and Rotorcraft Fundamentals
AVMT 2050
Airframe Inspection
AVMT 2060
Aircraft Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Landing Gear Systems
AVMT 2070
Aircraft Instrument, Communication and Navigation Systems
AVMT 2080
Aircraft Airframe and Environmental Systems
AVMT 2090
Aircraft Electrical Systems
AVMT 2210
Aircraft Reciprocating Engines, Induction, and Cooling Systems
AVMT 2230
Aircraft Turbine Engines
AVMT 2250
Aircraft Engine Inspection
AVMT 2260
Aircraft Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems
AVMT 2270
Aircraft Engine Electrical, Ignition, and Starting Systems
AVMT 2280
Aircraft Powerplant Accessory Systems
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