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Refund Policy (Non-Financial Aid)

A full refund will be given to students who officially withdraw prior to the last the drop/add period. The refund amount for students completely withdrawing from the University after the last day of the drop/add period will be based on a pro rata percentage determined by dividing the total number of calendar days in the semester the student has completed by the total number of calendar days in the semester. The total number of calendar days in the semester will include weekends. Scheduled breaks of five or more days and days that a student was on an approved leave of absence are excluded. No refunds will be issued once a student has completed 60% or more of a semester. However, a refund of all nonresident fees, matriculation fees, and other mandatory fees will be made in the event of the death of a student at any time during the academic session.

NO refunds will be made for the following:

  • Withdrawal after 60% of the semester is completed
  • Failure to withdraw officially
  • Suspension or forced withdrawal for disciplinary reasons
  • Reduction in hours after the "drop/add" period ends