(8) Job Descriptions and Work Responsibilities

The area in which the GA is assigned to work is expected to clearly communicate the position’s responsibilities, duties, and expectations to the GA in a written job description. The job description should specify the essential functions of the assistantship such as work hours expected, lines of authority, daily work activities, etc.

The area is also responsible for letting the GA know who the supervisor will be during the appointment. The supervisor should update the position’s description accordingly as duties are assigned or taken away.

The work schedule of the GA should be determined between the immediate supervisor and the GA. The supervisor understands that the GA’s academic success is the primary importance and work responsibilities should not replace the academic responsibility of a student. The supervisor and the GA should discuss scheduling conflicts when abuse of flexible scheduling occurs. The University requires regular attendance and punctuality at work. The GA should communicate any prior notifications of absences to the supervisor. If prior notification is not achievable, communication needs to be made as soon as possible.

GAs should refer to the individual job description or the supervisor for specific details regarding the required dress attire required for the position.