Provisional Admissions Status for Study in Graduate Programs (PAS)

As of July 1, 2022, graduate students are no longer admitted under a Provisional Status policy. They are either admitted or denied admission. Deans have broad discretion on whether to admit a graduate student. If very limited conditions apply, the admission letters shall identify an exact timeline or credit-hour limit for conditions to be met, usually no longer than the end of the first semester or the completion of 9 (nine) credit hours. If these conditions are not met, then a registration hold is placed on the student record, and students will have one semester to complete the conditions; during this time period they may not register for graduate-level classes. If students do not complete those requirements by the end of the next semester, then they must re-apply to the program to activate their record. Re-admission in such cases is not guaranteed. The Graduate Program Coordinator is responsible for keeping up with this process. If for some reason the program does not track an admitted student with this timeline requirement identified in the admission letter, and the student then completes the curriculum, the student must be allowed to graduate.