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OTMS 5330 Clinical Review and Competency Testing Seminar

This course is a comprehensive review of all practical skills and preparation for Level II fieldwork, and will give students information regarding strengths and weaknesses. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions and practice skills learned in all previous courses, as well as complete self-assessments and an Occupational Therapy Knowledge Exam (OTKE).



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



Admission to the OT Bridge Program, OTMS 5000, OTMS 5010, OTMS 5020, OTMS 5030, OTMS 5040, OTMS 5110, OTMS 5120, OTMS 5130, OTMS 5140, OTMS 5200, OTMS 5210, OTMS 5220


OTMS 5300, OTMS 5310, OTMS 5320