Secondary Education (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Program (BSSE) with concentrations in biology, English, history and mathematics prepares the candidate to teach in grades 6-12. This program is offered as a day or non-certification track. 

Note: Students who do not gain admission into the certification track can continue through the non-certification track.

* The Teacher Education Program, adheres to state and national accrediting board policies that govern Middle Georgia State University teacher education programs. All governing state and national policies will supersede the MGA policy herein.

BSSE Admission Requirements

Admission into the Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Program is competitive and granted on a space available basis. Students must:

  1. Be admitted to Middle Georgia State University in good academic standing. Disciplinary action at Middle Georgia State University and/or any other institution that the student has attended or while in the military may prevent admission.
  2. Submit a program admission packet to the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work Administrative Secretary or to the Certification Officer. Program admission packets are found on the School of Education & Behavioral Science website. Prospective students may also contact the School of Education & Behavioral Science for an application packet. Rolling admission is utilized, check the department's website for priority deadlines.  
  3. Present a passing score (250 or higher) on the GACE Program Admissions Assessment or show evidence of exemption from either of the following national exam scores: 525 composite score on Praxis I (if taken prior to August 2006); SAT-combined score of 1000 on SAT verbal/math; ACT combined score of 43 on English/Math; or GRE (1030 Verbal and Quantitative, after 8-1-11, 297 Verbal and Quantitative). For SAT score reports dated 7/1/19 or after 1080 on Evidence based Reading/Writing and Math. Not applicable to non-certification students.
  4. Provide a clear criminal background check and proof of completion of the Georgia Educator Ethics Entry Assessment (350G). Information regarding both will be provided in the admission packet.
  5. Complete all core requirements in Areas A-F with a grade of “C” or better. 
  6. Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher for certification track or 2.25 or higher for non-certification track on all courses to include transfer, transient, or taken as a part of a prior degree.
  7. Provide three letters of professional recommendation.
  8. Earn a “B” or better in program specific courses (BIOL 2108K; ENGL 3010, HIST 3000; MATH 1251).
  9. Be available during regular school day hours for internship, clinical experiences, and program based seminars.
  10. Transfer students may be eligible for admission without having satisfied the Middle Georgia State University Area B requirement. Exceptions will be made at the discretion of the Chair of the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work. If a prospective candidate cannot obtain a Pre-Service Certificate, acceptance into the program will be revoked.
  11. Prospective candidates may be required to interview and submit an essay sample as part of the admission process.
  12. The Department of Teacher Education & Social Work will request a Pre-Service Certificate from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) for the prospective candidate. The decision to issue the Pre-Service Certificate resides solely with the GaPSC. Not applicable to non-certification students.
  13. Upon acceptance, students are referred to as “teacher candidates.”
  14. Upon acceptance teacher candidates must present proof of having liability insurance and a Livetext account.
  15. Teacher candidates must sign their program of study. Teacher candidates are required to follow the program of study as prepared by their content area and the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work. Deviations from that program without prior consent from the Chair of the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work will result in dismissal from the Teacher Education Program.

BSSE Academic Progress and Completion

Teacher candidates must meet the following requirements to remain in the BSSE:

  1. Maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 2.75 or greater for certification track and 2.25 or greater for non-certification track and a “B” or better in lower and upper content area and education courses. 
  2. Students may be placed on probation within the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work during their junior year of the secondary education program.
  3. Teacher candidates must be in good academic standing and have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 to progress to their senior year of coursework.
  4. Teacher candidates will be allowed to repeat one upper level course in which they earn below a grade of “B”.
  5. Teacher candidates must meet end-of-semester Program Checkpoints to progress to the next semester.
  6. Provide satisfactory evidence of appropriate professional dispositions as measured by the TCPD prior to Clinical Practice.
  7. Maintain professional liability insurance, and a Livetext account for the duration of the program.
  8. Provide evidence of attempting the Georgia Educator Ethics Exit Assessment (360G) prior to progression into Clinical Practice II. (EDUC 4150). Not applicable to non-certification students.
  9. Provide evidence of attempting the GACE Content Assessment (resulting in an official score on all parts of the assessment) prior to the end of the semester while enrolled in EDUC 4150.
  10. Provide evidence of submitting the edTPA portfolio (resulting in an official score on all tasks within the assessment) prior to the end of the semester while enrolled in EDUC 4150. Not applicable to non-certification students.
  11. Complete residency requirements for Middle Georgia State University.
  12. Adhere to all policies and codes of personal and professional conduct which originate with the School of Education & Behavioral Science, Middle Georgia State University, the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and associated Boards of Education.
  13. Non-certification track students may transfer to the Certification Track by the end of their first or second semester of program enrollment. Students must submit a transfer request letter to the Chair of the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work.

NOTE: Should a teacher candidate complete all program requirements and the EPP determines that a candidate needs to increase competence in any area – knowledge, pedagogy, or dispositions – the EPP can request the completion of additional work before the teacher candidate will be declared a program completer.

Certification Requirements

Upon receipt of the MGA Official Transcript with the degree awarded and earning passing scores on the following assessments, the Teacher Education Program will recommend the candidate for certification:

  1. Appropriate GACE content exams. Content exams are as follows:
    • 020G - English Test I
    • 021G - English Test II
    • 022G - Mathematics Test I
    • 023G - Mathematics Test II
    • 026G - Biology Test I
    • 027G - Biology Test II
    • 034G - History Test I
    • 035G - History Test II

    2. edTPA portfolio;

    3. Georgia Educator Ethics Exit Assessment (360G).

The decision to issue the Certificate of Eligibility resides solely with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Not applicable to non-certification students.

BSSE Probation Policy

The Department of Teacher Education & Social Work reviews each teacher candidate’s record at the end of each semester. When a teacher candidate’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.75 (Non-certification 2.25), the teacher candidate will be placed on probation within the Teacher Education Program. The Chair of the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work informs the teacher candidate and advisors of this action in writing. Placement on probation means that the teacher candidate is scholastically deficient and is continuing his or her education with the understanding that he or she must improve the level of work and meet the conditions of probation set by the Teacher Education program. Teacher candidates on probation shall meet with their education mentor to devise a plan of action to be approved by the Chair of the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work to include monthly meetings with their education mentor. The term of academic probation is one semester.

The teacher candidate is removed from probation in the Teacher Education Program if he or she is making satisfactory progress at the end of the probationary semester. The office of the Chair of the Department of Teacher Education & Social Work informs the teacher candidate and faculty mentor of this action. If a teacher candidate has not met the terms of satisfactory academic progress at the end of the probationary semester, the teacher candidate will be dismissed from the Teacher Education Program. A teacher candidate who is dismissed from the Teacher Education Program may choose to petition the Chair of the Department of Teacher Education and Social Work.


BSSE Dismissal Policy

Failure to meet progression requirements will result in dismissal from the Teacher Education Program. A teacher candidate may also be dismissed from the Teacher Education Program for disciplinary reasons. Behavioral concerns can/would be addressed through the Office of Student Affairs of Middle Georgia State University. In addition, teacher candidates may be dismissed from the Teacher Education Program for inappropriate behaviors as outlined in the Teacher Education Program student handbook. Behaviors that are grounds for removal from the clinical experiences include, but are not limited to: confidentiality breeches, harassment, absenteeism or tardiness, malpractice/negligence, failure to follow Teacher Education Program or clinical site policies and procedures, failure to fulfill responsibilities, or other activities that the supervisor deems unsafe or inappropriate. Ongoing patterns of unsafe/unprofessional behavior may be grounds for dismissal from the Teacher Education Program.


Code of Ethics Violations

Pre-Service Certificate holders are certified individuals, and they are expected to uphold the Code of Ethics for Georgia Educators. Both Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) and school districts are equally responsible for reporting suspected violations of the Code of Ethics to GaPSC. All educators are mandated reporters and are required to report alleged misconduct.

For the educator, failure to report could result in a sanction of the educator’s certificate, and for an EPP, failure to report could cause impact the EPP’s approval status.


BSSE Re-Entry Policy

Students who meet all present criteria for readmission to the Teacher Preparation Programs, must submit a completed readmission application, a criminal background check, and must submit a letter of intent by the application deadline. Prior to readmission, certification track students must hold a valid Pre-Service Certificate. Readmission occurs on a space available basis.

Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Biology Concentration

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

Area A: Essential Skills (Credit: 9 hours)

ENGL 1101English Composition I

3 credits

ENGL 1102English Composition II

3 credits

MATH 1113Precalculus Mathematics

3 credits

Note: Courses required for Area A must be completed within the first 30 hours.

Area B: Institutional Options (Credit: 4 hours)

Perspectives Elective

4 credits

Area C: Humanities/Fine Arts (Credit: 6 hours)

Literature Elective

3 credits

Area C Elective

3 credits

Area D: Science, Math and Technology (Credit: 11 hours)

CHEM 1211KPrinciples of Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM 1212KPrinciples of Chemistry II

4 credits

Area D Elective

3 credits

Course recommended for Area D elective: MATH 1401

Area E: Social Sciences (Credit: 12 hours)

HIST 2111United States History to 1865

3 credits


HIST 2112United States History since 1865

3 credits




POLS 1101American Government

3 credits

Area E Elective

3 credits

Area E Elective

3 credits

Course recommended for Area E Elective: PSYC 1101

Area F: Major Field (Credit: 18 hours)

BIOL 2107KPrinciples of Biology I

4 credits

BIOL 2108KPrinciples of Biology II

4 credits

CHEM 2211KOrganic Chemistry I

4 credits

EDUC 2110Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education

3 credits

EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts

3 credits

EDUC 2130Exploring Learning and Teaching

3 credits

Total Hours: 60

Upper Level Content Area Courses: Biology Concentration (Credit: 27 hours)

BIOL 3104KCell Biology

4 credits

BIOL 3211Evolution

4 credits

BIOL 3350KEcology

4 credits

BIOL 3510KInvertebrate Zoology

4 credits

BIOL 3520KVertebrate Zoology

4 credits

BIOL 4110KGenetics

4 credits

Note: One hour of credit from BIOL 2107K, BIOL 2108K and CHEM 2211K

Total Hours: 27 

Upper Level Education Courses (Credit: 36 hours)

EDUC 3100Reading in Multiple Literacies

3 credits

EDUC 3120Practicum I

3 credits

EDUC 3130Practicum II

3 credits

EDUC 4100Integrated Secondary Curriculum and Instruction

3 credits

EDUC 4110Instructional Technology for Teachers

2 credits

EDUC 4120Assessment for Learning

3 credits

EDUC 4130Methods in Content Area

4 credits

EDUC 4140Clinical Practice I

3 credits

EDUC 4150Clinical Practice II

9 credits

SPED 3110Introduction to the Exception Learner

3 credits

Total Hours: 36

Total Hours: 123

Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education – English Concentration

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

Area A: Essential Skills (Credit: 9 hours)

ENGL 1101English Composition I

3 credits

ENGL 1102English Composition II

3 credits

Area A Math Elective Credit 3 hours

Courses recommended for Area A Math Elective are: MATH 1101 OR MATH 1111 
Note: Courses required for Area A must be completed within the first 30 hours.

Area B: Institutional Options (Credit: 4 hours)

Perspectives Elective

4 credits

Area C: Humanities/Fine Arts (Credit: 6 hours)

ENGL 2111World Literature I

3 credits

Area C Elective

3 credits

Area D: Science, Math and Technology (Credit: 11 hours)

Lab Science

4 credits

Lab Science

4 credits

Area D Elective

3 credits

Course recommended for Area D elective: MATH 1401 

Area E: Social Sciences (Credit: 12 hours)

HIST 2111United States History to 1865

3 credits


HIST 2112United States History since 1865

3 credits




POLS 1101American Government

3 credits

Area E Elective

3 credits

Area E Elective

3 credits

Course recommended for Area E Elective: PSYC 1101

Area F: Major Field (Credit: 18 hours)

ENGL 2121British Literature I

3 credits

ENGL 2122British Literature II

3 credits

ENGL 2131American Literature I

3 credits

EDUC 2110Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education

3 credits

EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts

3 credits

EDUC 2130Exploring Learning and Teaching

3 credits

Upper Level Content Area Courses: English Concentration (Credit: 24 hours)

ENGL 2112World Literature II

3 credits


ENGL 2132American Literature II

3 credits




ENGL 3010Introduction to Literary Studies

3 credits

ENGL 3020Introduction to Composition Studies

3 credits

ENGL 350019th Century American Poetry and Prose

3 credits

ENGL 4020Advanced Grammar

3 credits

ENGL 4100Shakespeare

3 credits

ENGL 4410Literature for the Adolescent

3 credits

ENGL 4430Literature of the Non-Western World

3 credits

Total Hours: 24

Upper Level Education Courses (Credit: 36 hours)

EDUC 3100Reading in Multiple Literacies

3 credits

EDUC 3120Practicum I

3 credits

EDUC 3130Practicum II

3 credits

EDUC 4100Integrated Secondary Curriculum and Instruction

3 credits

EDUC 4110Instructional Technology for Teachers

2 credits

EDUC 4120Assessment for Learning

3 credits

EDUC 4130Methods in Content Area

4 credits

EDUC 4140Clinical Practice I

3 credits

EDUC 4150Clinical Practice II

9 credits

SPED 3110Introduction to the Exception Learner

3 credits

Total Hours: 36

Total Hours: 120

Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education – History Concentration

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

Area A: Essential Skills (Credit: 9 hours)

ENGL 1101English Composition I

3 credits

ENGL 1102English Composition II

3 credits

Area A Math Elective Credit 3 hours

Courses recommended for Area A Math Elective are: MATH 1101 OR MATH 1111 
Note: Courses required for Area A must be completed within the first 30 hours.

Area B: Institutional Options (Credit: 4 hours)

Perspectives Elective

4 credits

Area C: Humanities/Fine Arts (Credit: 6 hours)

Literature Elective

3 credits

Area C Elective

3 credits

Area D: Science, Math and Technology (Credit: 11 hours)

Lab Science

4 credits

Lab Science

4 credits

Area D Elective

3 credits

Course recommended for Area D elective: MATH 1401 

Area E: Social Sciences (Credit: 12 hours)

HIST 2111United States History to 1865

3 credits


HIST 2112United States History since 1865

3 credits




POLS 1101American Government

3 credits

ECON 2105Principles of Macroeconomics

3 credits

PSYC 1101Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

Area F: Major Field (Credit: 18 hours)

HIST 1111History of World Civilization to 1650

3 credits

HIST 1112History of World Civilization since 1650

3 credits

HIST 2111United States History to 1865

3 credits


HIST 2112United States History since 1865

3 credits

EDUC 2110Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education

3 credits

EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts

3 credits

EDUC 2130Exploring Learning and Teaching

3 credits

Total Hours: 60

Upper Level Content Area Courses: History Concentration (Credit: 24 hours)

Total Hours: 24

ECON 2106Principles of Microeconomics

3 credits

HIST 3000Historical Methods

3 credits

HIST 3930History of Georgia

3 credits


HIST 4010The Atlantic World

3 credits


HIST 4020Technology, Environment and Empire

3 credits


HIST 4030European Colonization

3 credits


HIST 4040Humans and their Environment since 1945

3 credits


Choose one HIST 3000-4000 level Non-U.S. Elective Credit: 3 hours

3 credits

Choose one HIST 3000-4000 level U.S. Elective Credit: 3 hours

3 credits

Choose two of the following: POLS 2201, POLS 2301, POLS 2401 or POLS 2501 Credit: 6 hours

6 credits

Upper Level Education Courses (Credit: 36 hours)

EDUC 3100Reading in Multiple Literacies

3 credits

EDUC 3120Practicum I

3 credits

EDUC 3130Practicum II

3 credits

EDUC 4100Integrated Secondary Curriculum and Instruction

3 credits

EDUC 4110Instructional Technology for Teachers

2 credits

EDUC 4120Assessment for Learning

3 credits

EDUC 4130Methods in Content Area

4 credits

EDUC 4140Clinical Practice I

3 credits

EDUC 4150Clinical Practice II

9 credits

SPED 3110Introduction to the Exception Learner

3 credits

Total Hours: 36

Total Hours: 120

Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education – Mathematics Concentration

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

Area A: Essential Skills (Credit: 9 hours)

ENGL 1101English Composition I

3 credits

ENGL 1102English Composition II

3 credits

MATH 1112Plane Trigonometry

3 credits


MATH 1113Precalculus Mathematics

3 credits

Note: Courses required for Area A must be completed within the first 30 hours.

Area B: Institutional Options (Credit: 4 hours)

Perspectives Elective

4 credits

Area C: Humanities/Fine Arts (Credit: 6 hours)

Literature Elective

3 credits

Area C Elective

3 credits

Area D: Science, Math and Technology (Credit: 11 hours)

Lab Science

4 credits

Lab Science

4 credits

MATH 1251Calculus I

4 credits

Area E: Social Sciences (Credit: 12 hours)

HIST 2111United States History to 1865

3 credits


HIST 2112United States History since 1865

3 credits




POLS 1101American Government

3 credits

Area E Elective

3 credits

Area E Elective

3 credits

Course recommended for Area E Elective: PSYC 1101

Area F: Major Field (Credit: 18 hours)

MATH 1401Elementary Statistics

3 credits

MATH 2252Calculus II

4 credits

MATH 2253Calculus III

4 credits

EDUC 2110Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education

3 credits

EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts

3 credits

EDUC 2130Exploring Learning and Teaching

3 credits

Total Hours: 60

Upper Level Content Area Concentration: Mathematics (Credit: 25 hours)

MATH 2120Discrete Mathematics

3 credits

MATH 2260Introduction to Linear Algebra

3 credits

MATH 3010History of Mathematics

3 credits

MATH 3040Bridge to Higher Mathematics

3 credits

MATH 3207Communicating Mathematics

4 credits

MATH 3510Foundations of Geometry

3 credits

MATH 3600Probability and Statistics

3 credits

Note: One hour of credit from MATH 1251, MATH 2252 and MATH 2253

Upper Level Education Courses (Credit: 36 hours)

EDUC 3100Reading in Multiple Literacies

3 credits

EDUC 3120Practicum I

3 credits

EDUC 3130Practicum II

3 credits

EDUC 4100Integrated Secondary Curriculum and Instruction

3 credits

EDUC 4110Instructional Technology for Teachers

2 credits

EDUC 4120Assessment for Learning

3 credits

EDUC 4130Methods in Content Area

4 credits

EDUC 4140Clinical Practice I

3 credits

EDUC 4150Clinical Practice II

9 credits

SPED 3110Introduction to the Exception Learner

3 credits

Total Hours: 36

Total Hours: 121