Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
EURO - European Studies
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Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
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Programs of Study
General Information
Services for Students
Student Finances
Financial Aid
Academic Policy and Information
ACCT - Accounting
ACES - Aircraft Structural Technology
AERO - Aviation Management
AMKT - Aviation Science and Marketing
AMTP - Aviation Maint Technology
ANTH - Anthropology
ARTS - Art
ASPC - Aerospace
ASTP - Aircraft Structural Technology
ASTR - Astronomy
ATCM - Air Traffic Management
AVIA - Aviation Flight
AVNC - Avionics Technology
BIOL - Biology
BMGT - Business Management
BMKT - Business Marketing
BUSA - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
COMM - Communication
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CRWR - Creative Writing Curriculum
CSCI - Computer Science
ECON - Economics
ECSE - Early Childhood Special Ed
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENVS - Environment Science
ETEC - Electronic Technology
EURO - European Studies
EURO 4130
EURO 4160
EURO 4230
EURO 4260
EURO 4330
EURO 4430
EURO 4530
EURO 4630
EURO 4730
EURO 4760
EURO 4830
FINA - Finance
FREN - French
FYES - Freshman Year Experience
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GRMN - German
HIST - History
HLSA - Health Services Administration
HLTH - Health
Honors Courses
HS - Health Science
HUMN - Humanities
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
ISCI - Integrated Science
ITEC - Information Technology
LATN - Latin
LEAD - Leadership
LENB - Legal Environment of Business
MATH - Mathematics
MCOM - Mass Communication
MGMT - Management
MKTG - Marketing
MUSA - Music-Applied
MUSC - Music
NMAC - New Media and Communications
NURS - Nursing
OCTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
PBSF - Public Safety
PBSV - Public Service
PFWR - Professional Writing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLA - Prior Learning Assessment
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
READ - Reading
RESP - Respiratory Therapy
SCIE - Science
SCM - Supply Chain Management
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Welfare
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SSCI - Social Sciences
SURV - Surveying
THEA - Theatre
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EURO 4130
EU Law & Legal Systems
EURO 4160
E U Federalism & Governance
EURO 4230
Doing Business in the EU
EURO 4260
European Monetary Union
EURO 4330
EU Science & Technology Policy
EURO 4430
EU Environmental Policy
EURO 4530
European Social Policy
EURO 4630
Communications and Media
EURO 4730
European Union Foreign Policy
EURO 4760
US - EU Relations
EURO 4830
EU Studies Capstone
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EURO - European Studies