Academic Renewal Policy

In accordance with the USG Board of Regency Policy 3.5.3 Academic Renewal, undergraduate students who are either returning to a USG institution or are transferring to a USG institution may be eligible for Academic Renewal. Academic Renewal for the student signals the initiation of a new grade point average to be used for determining academic standing. This provision allows USG degree-seeking students who earlier experienced academic difficulty (GPA less than 2.50) to make a fresh start and have one final opportunity to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree. A student must be absent 3 years from a regionally accredited institution.

The following procedures will apply for students seeking academic renewal:

Applying for Academic Renewal

  1. Students must apply for Academic Renewal in the Office of the Registrar. Applications are also available on the Registrar’s website.
  2. Students are encouraged to apply for Academic Renewal status at the time of admission, re-enrollment or enrollment as a transfer student.
  3. Academic Renewal is granted only one time.

All previously attempted coursework continues to be recorded on the student’s official transcript.

  1. A renewal GPA is begun when the student resumes taking coursework following approval for Academic Renewal.
  2. The Academic Renewal GPA will be used for determining academic standing, honors, and eligibility for graduation.
    1. To earn a degree from Middle Georgia State University, a student must meet the residency requirements after acquiring Academic Renewal status.
    2. The renewal GPA will be used for honors at graduation.

Readmitted Students

USG undergraduate students who return to their home institution may be eligible for Academic Renewal for coursework taken prior to the period of absence. Students must be absent from Middle Georgia State University, MGA, for 3 years. Transfer credit for any coursework taken during the period of absence will be granted according to the university policies regarding transfer credits. Student must meet all admissions standards based on transferrable credits.

Transfer Students

Students who leave a regionally accredited institution of higher education and transfer to Middle Georgia State University may be eligible for Academic Renewal for coursework taken prior to the 3 year; the 3 year of absence required for Academic Renewal eligibility. Only coursework completed prior to the eligibility window can be considered for Academic Renewal. Courses taken more recently than the period of eligibility are ineligible for consideration for Academic Renewal. However, transfer credit can be granted for coursework taken during this period according to the institution’s policies regarding transfer credits.


Any academic suspensions that occurred in the past shall remain recorded on the student’s permanent record.

Grade Point Average

The Renewal GPA begins with the semester following re-enrollment.


The granting of Academic Renewal does not supersede the admissions requirements of certain programs, e.g., teacher education, business, and nursing, which may require a specific minimum grade point average based upon all coursework.

Financial Aid Implications

The granting of Academic Renewal does not supersede financial aid policies regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). All attempts will count in the calculating of your grade point average for meeting satisfactory academic progress. The GPA will not always be the same as your institutional GPA where academic renewal has been awarded. All attempts will count in the calculation of your GPA for financial aid. In many cases the GPA will be different from your institutional GPA.