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Information Technology (Minor)

Middle Georgia State University's School of Computing offers a minor in Information Technology (IT) for undergraduates enrolled in any discipline or program other than IT. The IT minor is designed for students who wish to develop knowledge and skills in applying as well as integrating current computing technologies to enhance and support their primary field of studies.

Information technology has become increasingly important in such fields as education, nursing, business, biology, history, public service, and communications. Few careers exist today that are not impacted by technology, and graduates in all fields should be prepared to use it to its greatest potential.


A minor in Information Technology provides students with essential skills needed in a variety of fields, including:

  • Enhancing the student's understanding of the fundamentals of information technology.
  • Developing the student's ability to specify, select, and utilize information technology in his or her major field of study.
  • Equipping students with the skills and terminology needed to interact with technology professionals.

The minor in Information Technology contains a total of 15 hours of coursework with a minimum of nine hours in upper division IT courses at Middle Georgia State University.

Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better must be earned in all courses used to satisfy the minor.

Curriculum for the Minor in Information Technology

Required Coursework (Credit: 3 hours)

ITEC 2215Introduction to Information Technology



ITEC 2201Business Information Applications


The additional four courses may be selected from any course in the IT curriculum, at least three of which must be at the 3000 or 4000 level.

While any combination of courses meeting the above requirements will be suitable for a minor, the School of Computing recommends that at least some of the selected courses focus on competencies central to the information technology profession. Courses selected from the following list will accomplish this goal. (Credit: 12 hours)

ITEC 2320Network Essentials


ITEC 2380Web Development


ITEC 3155Systems Analysis and Design


ITEC 3235Human Computer Interaction


ITEC 3236Interactive Digital Media


ITEC 3245Database Principles


ITEC 3300Project Management


ITEC 3340Business Analysis Using Excel


ITEC 4205Legal and Ethical Issues


And any other courses approved by the Dean of the School of Computing


Total Hours: 15