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Associate of Science in Computer Science

Associate of Science in Computer Science Curriculum

Core IMPACTS (Credit: 42 Hours)

It is recommended that students pursuing a degree in computer science follow these recommendations for optimal progression of degree completion. Failure to follow these recommendations will result in having to take additional coursework outside of Core IMPACTS requirements to meet the requirements for the major.

Mathematics & Quantitative Skills:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Mathematics & Quantitative Skills Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in computer science complete MATH 1113 (precalculus) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

Technology, Math, & Science Option:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Technology, Math, & Science Option Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in computer science complete MATH 1251 (calculus I) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

See listing of requirements for Core IMPACTS


Field of Study (Credit: 18 Hours)

CSCI 1301Computer Science I

3 credits

CSCI 1302Computer Science II

3 credits

MATH 2252Calculus II

4 credits

MATH 2120Discrete Mathematics

3 credits

CSCI 2300Experiential Learning in CS


Choose one of the following

CSCI 2201Principles of Programming Languages


CSCI 2205Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms


CSCI 2207Ethics in Computer Science


MATH 2253Calculus III

4 credits

MATH 2260Introduction to Linear Algebra

3 credits

Total: 60 credit hours

Total: 60 credit hours