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Health Services Administration (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science degree in Health Services Administration (HLSA) is a major for students interested in the management, business, and policy aspects of health care. The program is designed to develop in students the knowledge, skills, and values required for the wide range of positions available in this important field.

General Information

The Bachelor of Science degree in Health Services Administration offers preparation for entry level positions in the business and management side of the expanding health care industry, as well as preparation for graduate study. The program integrates courses from the fields of health sciences and business administration, and is designed to develop in students the knowledge, skills, and values required for the wide range of positions available in this important field.

The program is flexible to meet the demands of a wide variety of student types and career goals. Besides providing the tools necessary for people wishing to enter the field, the program offers an excellent opportunity for those already in the health care field, whether clinical or non-clinical, to leverage their experiences into management positions. Additionally, the program provides a foundation for graduate study in health administration, public health, business, and other related fields.

The program focuses on the relationship between theory and practice through the identification and resolution of problems unique to health care. Practical experiences, including the optional Applied Learning Experience course, allow students the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom to the field of practice.

Graduates of the Health Services Administration program have found employment in a large number of health care areas, including but not limited to hospitals (i.e., nursing, finance, personnel, public relations, and patient relations), long term care facilities (nursing homes & assisted living), clinical administrators/ practice managers (physician and other professional offices), community and public health, and other non-profit health care related agencies, hospice organizations, managed care and insurance companies, pharmaceutical sales, health care marketing, and home health agencies.

The program currently offers concentrations in:

Practice/Clinical Management, which prepares students to manage the organization and operation of the business aspects of a health care provider’s office (including those of physicians, dentists, hospitals, clinics, and others).

Long Term Care Administration, which prepares students for employment opportunities in skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, group homes, and hospices.

Public Health Management, which provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop and administer programs aimed at bettering public health and wellness. Students prepare for careers in health promotion within government agencies and nonprofit community organizations, medical institutions, academic institutions and other related entities.

Pre-Professional Management Program, which prepares students to enter the Master of Science in Management in the School of Business. Students lacking one or more Foundation Course Requirements may satisfy this requirement by taking the course(s) from the School of Business (offered in the traditional and online format) or be allowed to satisfy the requirement by taking and passing specific Ivy Software courses. Ivy Software course are taken online and at the students own pace. For more information about Ivy Software courses see Each case must be coordinated and approved by the School of Business.


General Requirements and Procedures for Admission to the HLSA Program

  1. Be accepted to Middle Georgia State University.
  2. Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 or better.
  3. Complete a Health Services Administration program application.

An associate degree is not required for admission to the program. Students who have NOT completed an Associate Degree Program must complete a minimum of 30 hours of major electives, including a minimum of 15 hours of upper division HLSA coursework to equal 120 hours total.

Students who HAVE completed an Associate Degree in an Allied Health Career Program, and after review by the HLSA Program Director and Department Chair, must complete a minimum 9 hours of electives in order to complete 39 hours of upper division coursework and equal 120 hours minimum total.

Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration

The Health Services Administration degree requires 60 credit hours beyond the associate degree or its equivalent. A grade of at least a “C” is required in all 3000-4000 level HLSA courses used to meet the Health Services Administration degree requirements.

Core IMPACTS (Credit: 42 hours)

It is recommended that students pursuing a degree in health services administration follow these recommendations for optimal progression of degree completion. Failure to follow these recommendations will result in having to take additional coursework outside of Core IMPACTS requirements to meet the requirements for the major.

Technology, Math, & Science Option:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Technology, Math, & Science Option Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in health services administration complete MATH 1401 (Elementary Statistics) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

Social Sciences:

Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Social Sciences Option Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in health services administration complete PSYC 1101 (Introduction to Psychology) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.

See listing of requirements for Core IMPACTS


Field of Study (Credit: 18 hours)

For students who have NOT completed an Associate Degree Program Major Field— Lower Division.

Required courses (Credit: 12 hours)
ACCT 2000Survey of Accounting


HS 2000Medical Terminology



BUSA 2201Business Information Applications



ITEC 2201Business Information Applications



PSYC 2103Introduction to Human Development


Approved Electives (Credit: 6 hours)

Choose *any two courses of approved electives (6 hours):

*If not taken in Core IMPACTS, these courses must be taken as electives to complete Field of Study.

MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics 3 credits

PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology 3 credits

Upper Division Course Requirements (Credit: 60 hours)

The upper division course requirements consist of 30 hours of upper division core classes and 30 hours of upper division electives.

A grade of "C" or higher is required in all HLSA major courses.

A baccalaureate degree program must require at least 21 semester hours of upper division course work in the major field and at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall.

Required Core (Credit: 30 hours)

HLSA 3000Research Methods for Health Sciences


HLSA 3100Leadership in Health Care


HLSA 3310American Health Care System


HLSA 3320Health Care Management


HLSA 3360Quality Management and Improvement


HLSA 3380Health Communications


HLSA 4100Human Resource Management in Health Care


HLSA 4410Health Law & Ethics


HLSA 4470Design & Management


HLSA 4480Health Care Financial Management


Upper Division Electives Requirements (Credit: 30 Hours)

Students choose either 10 courses (credit: 30 hours) of upper division electives OR 7 courses (credit: 21 hours) of upper division electives and 3 courses (credit: 9 hours) of other approved electives OR at least one of the following concentrations.


Clinical/Practice Management
HLSA 4425Ambulatory Care Services


HLSA 4435Managed Care


HLSA 4463Case Management Concepts and Services



HLSA 4450Applied Learning Experience



HLSA 4452Health Service Administration Capstone



18 hours of approved electives

Long Term Care Administration
HLSA 4420Long Term Care Administration



HLSA 4450Applied Learning Experience



HLSA 4452Health Service Administration Capstone



HLSA 4475Regulatory Aspects of Long Term Care


SOCI 3150Gerontology


18 hours of approved electives

Pre-Professional Management

Students lacking one or more Foundation Course Requirements may satisfy this requirement by taking the course(s) from the School of Business (offered in the traditional and online format) or be allowed to satisfy the requirement by taking and passing specific Ivy Software courses. Ivy Software courses are taken online and at the students' own pace. For more information about Ivy Software courses see Each case must be coordinated and approved by the School of Business.

ACCT 2101Principles of Accounting I


ACCT 2102Principles of Accounting II


BUSA 2105Communicating in the Business Environment


ECON 2106Principles of Microeconomics


MGMT 3101Business Statistics


MGMT 3141Principles of Management


12 hours of approved electives

Public Health Management
HLSA 3350Public Health & Epidemiology


HLSA 3900Health Promotion and Education


HLSA 4000Special Topics in Health Care

1 - 6

HLSA 4000Special Topics in Health Care

1 - 6


HLSA 4450Applied Learning Experience



HLSA 4452Health Service Administration Capstone



15 hours of approved electives

HLSA 4000 is a special topics course that must be repeated with a different topic.

Total Hours: 120