Editorial Note
The Middle Georgia State University (MGA) Catalog is reviewed annually by the Office of Academic Affairs. All information contained in this 2024-2025 catalog is effective fall semester 2024. The content in this catalog is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student and the University.
While provisions of this catalog will ordinarily be applied as stated, Middle Georgia State University reserves the right to change any provision listed in this catalog—including but not limited to academic requirements for graduation—without actual notice to individual students. Every effort will be made to inform students of changes to programs, curricula, courses, regulations, policies, procedures, fees and other matters contained herein. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of each student to stay apprised of current graduation requirements for a degree program in which he or she is enrolled.
Middle Georgia State University is a component of the Board of Regents (BOR) of the University System of Georgia (USG) and operates in accordance with all policies and procedures established by the BOR as well as the University System Office (USO). If there is ever a discrepancy between BOR/USO policy and this catalog, BOR/USO policy prevails. BOR/USO policies are available at: http://www.usg.edu/policymanual/.