FYES 1001 Freshman Year Seminar

This course is required for all first-time students. The course, offered in standard and themed sections, is designed to provide students with the academic, personal, and leadership skills necessary for success in their academic and personal lives. The course will facilitate students' acculturation and social integration into the college environment, develop students' understanding of the learning process, and help students acquire essential college survival skills. The focus of this course is on the college student for the purpose of promoting success - both in college and in life after college - by fostering the development of skills or strategies that are valuable and applicable across subjects (transferable, cross-disciplinary skills) and across time (durable, lifelong learning skills). All first time Freshmen are required to take the Freshman Year Seminar course except fully online students (taking no on-campus classes), joint-enrollment students, and students with CPC deficiencies.



Lecture Hours

3 hours