Master of Arts in Technical and Professional Writing (MATPW)

Dean of the School of Arts and Letters: Dr. Billy Wooten

Associate Dean of the School of Arts and Letters: 

Chair of the Department of English: Dr. Benita Muth

Coordinator of Graduate Technical Writing Programs: Dr. Monica Miller


(478) 471-5799, office

(478) 471-5794, FAX

(800) 272-7619, toll-free



School of Arts and Letters

English Department

100 University Parkway
Macon, Georgia 31206


Mission Statement: Master of Arts in Technical and Professional Writing

Administered by Middle Georgia State University’s Department of English in the School of Arts and Letters, the Master of Arts in Technical and Professional Writing was developed as a cross-disciplinary graduate degree by the Department of English, the Department of Media, Culture, and the Arts, and the Department of Information Technology. The program teaches the knowledge and skills for the analysis, design, and production of documents in our high-tech age and prepares graduates for professional careers as writers, editors, researchers, web-content managers, and such related careers as education, advertising, human resources, business, government, non-profits, museums, marketing, and libraries. The program includes study in theories of rhetoric, the craft of technical and professional writing, and advanced digital literacy. The program also offers instruction in document design, document production, and editing. Other topics include visual rhetoric and multimedia composition, usability testing, project management, website development, and publishing across print and digital platforms. This graduate degree in technical and professional writing teaches the knowledge and skills necessary for the analysis, design, and production of documents within competitive professional environments that value and reward high-level writing and digital acumen.