Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.)

The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) offers rigorous but flexible curricula that allow students to design their own programs of study and pursue an education that builds on their unique interests, backgrounds, and career goals. The IDS program is appropriate for students who have prior educational credit or for those just beginning their university experience. IDS students complete an interdisciplinary core that emphasizes critical thinking and communication skills, fosters cultural understanding, and engages them in both interdisciplinary theory and practice. In addition to the core requirements, students complete at least 15 hours of course work in a concentration. IDS also offers an IMETA overlay with an emphasis on interactive media, technology and the arts and prepares students for 21st century jobs in the art and technology. 


IDS graduates are among the most broadly educated on Middle Georgia State's campuses, and they are attractive to employers as workers who can communicate effectively, adapt well to change, demonstrate intercultural understanding, and apply creative solutions to complicated problems.


IDS degree paths:


Selected Discipline Concentration (Credit: 15 hours)

A traditional interdisciplinary degree that offers concentrations in a Single Discipline, Liberal Arts, Media and Communication Concentration, Education Concentration, Business Health & Human Services, Arts, Social Sciences or STEM. These concentrations are comprised of 15 hours of upper level courses.


Integrated Media, Technology, and Arts (IMETA) Pathway (Credit: 21 Hours)

This IMETA overlay fits within the parameters of the IDS degree and gives students a strong, interdisciplinary foundation in Integrated Media, Technology, and Arts. Students take prescribed Area F IDS core courses and choose at least one of the following IMETA tracks:  Film Production; Integrated Media & Game Design; Music Production; Web Development; and Theatre Production. The IMETA overlay requires prescribed courses in Area F, prescribed courses in the upper level IDS core, and additional required IMETA upper-level core courses.  The program also includes 21 hours of open electives. 


Students must earn a grade of "C" or higher in Area F and all upper-level coursework.

Up to 8 hours of Area B credit can be applied to the degree.


Note: The Interdisciplinary Studies Program of Study requires a minimum of 39 hours of upper-level course work (3000/4000 level).

Curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

See listing of requirements

This area F is specific to the selected concentration option. The iMeta overly may be found below in the iMeta course sequence. 

Area F: Lower Division Major Requirements (Credit: 18 hours)

ARTS 2016Introduction to Computer Arts

3 credits


ITEC 2215Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits


NMAC 2145Introduction to Media Production

3 credits


Any 1000-2000 Electives

3 hours

Any 1000-2000 Electives

3 hours

Any 1000-2000 Electives

3 hours

Any 1000-2000 Electives

3 hours

Any 1000-2000 Electives

3 hours

No courses already applied in Areas A-E may be applied in Area F.

Upper-level courses (Credit: 60 hours)

Upper-level courses in the traditional Interdisciplinary Studies are divided into three areas: Interdisciplinary Studies Core (18 hours), Interdisciplinary Concentration (15 hours), and Interdisciplinary Electives (27 hours).  Students must complete at least 39 semester hours of upper level course work.

Interdisciplinary Studies Core (Credit: 18 hours)

Foundations of Writing: Choose One

Note: NMAC 3108 is required for al iMeta students. 
NMAC 3108Writing for Digital Media

3 credits

PFWR 3160Introduction to Professional Writing

3 credits

PFWR 3170Practical Workplace Writing

3 credits

Critical and Cultural Studies (Credit: 6 Hours)

Note: HUMN 4500 Digital Humanities is required for all iMeta students. 

HUMN 3999 & any 3000- or 4000-level COMM, ENGL, HIST, HUMN, IDS, or MUSC class.


HUMN 3999Special Topics

3 credits

Note: A 3000- or 4000-level class with a critical and cultural studies focus can be substituted with the approval of the program coordinator.

Theory and Analysis (Credit: 3 Hours)

BIOL 3110Scientific Thought and Theory

3 credits

COMM 3010Communication Theory

3 credits

ENGL 3010Gateway to Literary Studies

3 credits

HUMN 3010Introduction to Cultural Studies

3 credits

ITEC 3405Creativity & Innovation

3 credits

MUSC 4110Mixing Philosophy


NMAC 3460Media Criticism

3 credits

NMAC 4481Film Analysis

3 credits

NMAC 4482Film Theory

3 credits

PSYC 3277Personality Theory

3 credits



Note: A 3000- or 4000-level theory and analysis class can be substituted with the approval of the program coordinator.

Interdisciplinary Studies Praxis Course (Credit: 3 Hours)

Students may take HUMN 3999 twice as long as the two courses cover different topics.

ARTS 3460 or ITEC 3236 is required for all iMeta students. ITEC 3236 is required for all Integrated Media & Game Design students. 

ARTS 3460Interactive Design


HUMN 3501Topics in Linguistics & Culture

3 credits

HUMN 3999Special Topics

3 credits

IDS 4010Gender, Media, and Culture

3 credits

IDS 4020Science, Politics, and Culture

3 credits

IDS 4030Special Topics in Culture

3 credits

IDS 4040Fashion, Literature, and Culture

3 credits

IDS 4050Performance, Literature, and Culture

3 credits

IDS 4060Madness, Literature, and Culture

3 credits

IDS 4070Organizations, Technology, and Culture

3 credits

IDS 4080Sports, Media, and Culture


IDS 4999Special Topics in Culture

3 credits

ITEC 3236Interactive Digital Media

3 credits

Required: Interdisciplinary Studies Methods (Credit: 3 Hours)

IDS 3800Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies


Selected Discipline Concentration (Credit: 15 hours)

The Interdisciplinary Studies Degree requires students to complete a concentration of five (5) 3000-4000 level electives in an area to be selected with the guidance of an advisor.

Choose between the following concentration options:

A. A Single Discipline Concentration: 15 hours of courses from any one discipline at the 3000- or 4000- level.

B. A Liberal Arts Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: CRWR, ENGL, FREN, HIST, HUMN, IDS, PHIL, SPAN

C. A Media and Communication Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: COMM, CRWR, GFA, FILM, MCOM, NMAC, PFWR.

D. An Education Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: EDUC, ESE, ISCI, SCIE, SPED.

* Note: Only Education majors can take 3000- and 4000-level education courses at Middle Georgia State University.

E. A Business Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: ACCT, BUSA, BMGT, BMKT, ECON, FINA, FTA, LEAD, LENB, MGMT, MKTG, SCM, SMGT.

F. A Health & Human Services Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: HLSA, HS, HLTH, PBSV, NURS, OCTA, RHAB, RESP, SOCW.

* Note: Only Nursing majors can take 3000- and 4000-level Nursing courses at Middle Georgia State University.

* Note: Only Respiratory Therapy majors can take 3000- and 4000-level Respiratory Therapy courses at Middle Georgia State University.

* Note: Only Rehabilitation Science majors can take 3000- and 4000-level Rehabilitation Science courses at Middle Georgia State University.

* Note: Only Occupational Therapy majors can take 3000- and 4000-level Occupational Therapy courses at Middle Georgia State University.

G. An Arts Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: ARTS, CRWR, FILM, GFA, MUSA, MUSC, THEA.

H. A Social Sciences Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: ABA, ANTH, CRJU, EURO, PBSV, POLS, PSYC, SOCI, SOCW, SSCI.

I. A STEM Concentration: 15 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses with the following prefixes: ASTR, ACES, AERO, AMGT, AMKT, AMTP, ASPC, ASTP, ATCM, AVIA, AVNC, BIOL, CHEM, CSCI, ENGR, ENVS, GEOL, ITEC, MATH, PHYS.

Note: Additional classes may be added to a concentration with approval of the program coordinator.

Integrated Media, Technology, and Arts (IMETA) Pathway

This pathway is an overlay on the Interdisciplinary Studies BA that gives students the opportunity to study integrated media technology and arts. Students must choose at least one of the following IMETA tracks:  Film Production; Integrated Media & Game Design; Music Production; Web Development; and Theatre Production. The IMETA overlay requires prescribed courses in Area F, prescribed courses in the upper level IDS core, and additional required IMETA upper-level core courses.  The program also includes 21 hours of open electives.

Area F: IMETA Track Lower Division Major Requirements (Credit: 18 Hours)

Required (Credit: 6 hours)

Note: ITEC 2215 is required for all Integrated Media and Game Design and Web Development tracks.

ITEC 2215Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits


NMAC 2145Introduction to Media Production

3 credits


ARTS 2016Introduction to Computer Arts

3 credits

Electives (Credit: 9 hours)

Notes: THEA 2305 & THEA 2400 are both required for IMETA Theater Production track.

MUSC 1500 is required for IMETA Music Production track.

CRWR 2105Introduction to Creative Writing

3 credits

ITEC 2215Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits

NMAC 2145Introduction to Media Production

3 credits

MUSC 1500Foundations in Music Technology

3 credits

THEA 2305Elements of Theatrical Design


THEA 2400Beginning Acting

3 credits

Open Elective (3 Hours)

Choose any 1000 or 2000 level course to complete Area F

Integrated Media, Technology, and Arts (IMETA) Upper Level Core (18 hours)
Foundations of Writing (Credit: 6 Hours)
NMAC 3108Writing for Digital Media

3 credits

Critical and Cultural Studies (Credit: 6 Hours)

HUMN 3999Special Topics

3 credits

HUMN 4500Digital Humanities


Theory and Methods (Credits: 3 Hours)
COMM 3010Communication Theory

3 credits

ENGL 3010Gateway to Literary Studies

3 credits

HUMN 3010Introduction to Cultural Studies

3 credits

BIOL 3110Scientific Thought and Theory

3 credits

ITEC 3405Creativity & Innovation

3 credits

NMAC 3460Media Criticism

3 credits

NMAC 4481Film Analysis

3 credits

NMAC 4482Film Theory

3 credits

MUSC 4110Mixing Philosophy


PSYC 3277Personality Theory

3 credits



ITEC 3405 is required for students in the Web Development Track. NMAC 4481 is required for students in the Film Production Track. MUSC 4110 is required for students in the Music Production Track. 

Interdisciplinary Studies Praxis Courses (3 credits)

Choose one of the following:

ARTS 3460Interactive Design


ITEC 3236Interactive Digital Media

3 credits

ITEC 3460 is required for Integrated Media and Game Design track

Interdisciplinary Studies Methods Required

IDS 3800Methods in Interdisciplinary Research

3 credits

IMETA Upper Level: Additional Required Core Courses (Credit: 9 hours)

NMAC 3600Digital Storytelling

3 credits

ARTS 3455UX/UI Design


ARTS 3460Interactive Design


IMETA Required Elective (Credit: 3 Hours)

MUSC 2500 is required for Music Production track.

THEA 2401 is required for Theater Production track.

ARTS 3245 is recommended for Integrated Media & Game Design track.

MUSC 2500Commercial Music Lab

3 credits

THEA 2401Advanced Acting

3 credits

ARTS 3245Motion Graphics

3 credits

NMAC 3500Podcasting and Sound Design

3 credits

Students must choose from one of the following IMETA tracks.  Students can choose two tracks if they desire. 

Film production (Credit: 12 Hours)

NMAC 4481 is part of Film Production track and it is fulfilled in the Theory and Analysis requirement.

NMAC 4450Documentary Film Production

3 credits

NMAC 4451Fiction Film Production

3 credits

NMAC 4455Audiovisual Editing

3 credits

NMAC 4440/CRWR 4440Screenwriting

3 credits

Integrated Media & Game Design (Credit: 12 Hours)

ITEC 3236 is part of the Integrated Media & Game Design track and is fulfilled in the IDS Praxis requirement.

ITEC 4230Graphic Imaging

3 credits

ITEC 42373D Modeling and Animation

3 credits

ITEC 42382D Computer Animation

3 credits

ITEC 4255Game Design and Development

3 credits

Music Production (Credit: 14 Hours)

MUSC 4110 is part of the Music Production track and is fulfilled in the Theory and Analysis requirement.

MUSC 1000Foundations of Music Theory



MUSC 1112Class Piano Lab I

1 credits


MUSC 1101Elementary Theory I

2 credits

MUSC 2500Commercial Music Lab

3 credits

MUSC 4100Recording Studio Fundamentals

3 credits

MUSC 4120Advanced Recording Techniques


MUSC 4150Sound Reinforcement

2 credits

Web Development (Credit: 12 Hours)

ITEC 3405 is also part of the Web Development track and is fulfilled in the Theory and Analysis requirement.

ITEC 2380Web Development

3 credits

ITEC 3280Web Programming

3 credits

ITEC 4286Web Applications Development

3 credits

ITEC 4366Advanced Web Development

3 credits

Theater Production (Credit: 12 Hours)

THEA 3223 is also part of the Theater Production track and is fulfilled in the Theory and Analysis requirement.


Required (Credit: 3 Hours)
THEA 3510Scenic Design Studio


Elective 1 (Credit: 3 hours)
CRWR 3800Playwriting

3 credits

THEA 3201Directing I




Electives 2 (Credit: 6 hours)
THEA 3520Costume Design Studio


THEA 3540Sound Design Studio


THEA 4000Topics in Theater Design/Technology


Open Electives (Credit: 18)

The Interdisciplinary Studies for IMETA requires 21 credit hours of elective course work (18 at the upper level, 3 in Area F). Students can receive no more than twenty-one (21) credit hours of lower division (1000/2000) credit outside of Areas A-F.

Students are strongly encouraged to choose one of the minors offered at MGA to complete their curriculum or a second IMETA track. Check the catalog for a complete listing of minors but some available minors are: Professional Writing, Creative Writing, Spanish, U.S. History, World History, Global Studies, Film Production, Cinema Studies, Public Relations, Graphic Design. Students can also earn the 18 hour certificate from the Georgia Film Academy. 

Note: A student cannot do a concentration and a minor in the same discipline.

Total Hours: 120