Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022
> ITEC - Information Technology
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AADS - African and African Diaspora Studies
ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis
ACCT - Accounting
ACES - Aircraft Structural Technology
AERO - Aviation Management
AMKT - Aviation Science and Marketing
AMTP - Aviation Maint Technology
ANTH - Anthropology
ARTS - Art
ASPC - Aerospace
ASTP - Aircraft Structural Technology
ASTR - Astronomy
ATCM - Air Traffic Management
AVIA - Aviation Flight
AVNC - Avionics Technology
BIOL - Biology
BMGT - Business Management
BMKT - Business Marketing
BUSA - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
COMM - Communication
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CRWR - Creative Writing Curriculum
CSCI - Computer Science
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENVS - Environment Science
ECSE - Early Childhood Special Ed
ETEC - Electronic Technology
EURO - European Studies
FILM - Film Production
FINA - Finance
FREN - French
FTA - Financial Technology
FYES - Freshman Year Experience
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GFA - Georgia Film Academy
GRMN - German
HIST - History
HLSA - Health Services Administration
HLTH - Health
HS - Health Science
HUMN - Humanities
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
ISCI - Integrated Science
ITEC - Information Technology
KOR - Korean
LATN - Latin
LEAD - Leadership
LENB - Legal Environment of Business
MATH - Mathematics
MCOM - Mass Communication
MGMT - Management
MIL - Military Science
MKTG - Marketing
MUSA - Music-Applied
MUSC - Music
NMAC - New Media and Communications
NURS - Nursing
OCTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
PBSV - Public Service
PFWR - Professional Writing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLA - Prior Learning Assessment
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
READ - Reading
RESP - Respiratory Therapy
SCIE - Science
SCM - Supply Chain Management
SMGT - Sport Management
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SSCI - Social Sciences
SURV - Surveying
THEA - Theatre
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ITEC - Information Technology
ITEC 1001
Perspectives on the History of Computing
ITEC 2201
Business Information Applications
ITEC 2215
Introduction to Information Technology
ITEC 2245
Introduction to Databases for Health Sciences
ITEC 2260
Introduction to Computer Programming
ITEC 2270
Application Development
ITEC 2299
Special Topics in Information Technology
ITEC 2320
Network Essentials
ITEC 2380
Web Development
ITEC 2510
Agile Software Development
ITEC 2520
Object-Oriented Software Development
ITEC 2530
Software Testing and Test-Driven Development
ITEC 3100
Python Scripting
ITEC 3155
Systems Analysis and Design
ITEC 3220
Hardware and Systems Software
ITEC 3235
Human Computer Interaction
ITEC 3236
Interactive Digital Media
ITEC 3245
Database Principles
ITEC 3250
Software Engineering
ITEC 3265
Operating Systems
ITEC 3280
Web Programming
ITEC 3300
Project Management
ITEC 3310
Information Technology and Organizational Integration
ITEC 3325
Windows Systems Administration
ITEC 3328
Linux Systems Administration
ITEC 3340
Business Analysis Using Excel
ITEC 3351
Analytics and Organizational Intelligence
ITEC 3355
Data Mining
ITEC 3400
Technology Entrepreneurship
ITEC 3405
Creativity & Innovation
ITEC 3410
Startups Financing and Marketing Strategies
ITEC 3415
Managing & Growing an IT Venture
ITEC 4061
Coding Fundamentals
ITEC 4332
Firewalls and VPNs
ITEC 4760
Business Plan Development
ITEC 4063
ITEC 4065
Mobile App Coding
ITEC 4067
Secure Coding
ITEC 4200
Foundations of Information Security
ITEC 4205
Legal and Ethical Issues
ITEC 4210
Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems
ITEC 4230
Graphic Imaging
ITEC 4231
Design Content for Instructional Applications
ITEC 4237
3D Modeling and Animation
ITEC 4238
2D Computer Animation
ITEC 4242
Database Administration
ITEC 4244
Database Programming
ITEC 4250
Computational Intelligence
ITEC 4254
Business Driven Technology
ITEC 4255
Game Design and Development
ITEC 4261
Intro to JAVA Programming
ITEC 4264
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
ITEC 4266
C++ Programming
ITEC 4269
Client/Server Systems Programming
ITEC 4270
Robot Programming
ITEC 4284
Web Multimedia Delivery
ITEC 4285
Network Services
ITEC 4286
Web Applications Development
ITEC 4288
Electronic Commerce Systems
ITEC 4299
Special Topics in Information Technology
ITEC 4310
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
ITEC 4320
Industrial Control Systems Security
ITEC 4321
Forensics/Data Recovery
ITEC 4322
Advanced Digital Forensics
ITEC 4323
Mobile Forensics
ITEC 4329
Data Communications
ITEC 4330
Routing and Switching
ITEC 4341
Network Forensics and Incident Response Planning
ITEC 4344
Ethical Hacking
ITEC 4361
Software Security
ITEC 4362
Computer Architecture
ITEC 4364
Systems Programming
ITEC 4365
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
ITEC 4366
Advanced Web Development
ITEC 4370
Virtual Computing
ITEC 4421
Network Security
ITEC 4501
Special Projects in Information Technology
ITEC 4701
Internship in Information Technology
ITEC 4710
Globalization and Technology
ITEC 4750
Senior Capstone
ITEC 4770
Experiential Learning Practicum
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