Attendance Policy
The classroom experience is a vital part of university education. Interaction with instructors and other students is an important element of the learning process. Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Students who do not attend classes or are not engaged on a regular basis are subject to reassessment of financial aid eligibility.
Students whose total number of absences...
- is more than twice the number of class meetings per week may be assigned a failing grade for the course at the discretion of the instructor.
- is more than the number of class meetings per week but less than twice the number of class meetings per week may be penalized at the discretion of the instructor.
- are less than or equal to the number of class meetings per week will not be penalized.
Individual faculty members reserve the right to include additional policies and/or penalties as deemed necessary. Faculty will include policies on absences and tardiness in their syllabi at the beginning of every semester. Faculty are expected to maintain an attendance record for all their classes.