Web Design (Certificate)

The certificate in web design is designed for busy professionals seeking to develop expertise in the field, add to their credentials or improve their skills or job prospects. A certificate in web design provides students with essential skills needed in areas of web design and development, HCI, and creating digital media for the web.

The certificate in web design contains a total of 18 hours of course work with a minimum of 12 hours in upper division courses. A grade of “C” or better must be earned in all courses used to satisfy the certificate. Before graduation all students must complete a certificate assessment assignment as directed by the program chair. The certificate in web design requires the following courses.

Curriculum for the Certificate in Web Design

Required Coursework (Credit: 6 hours)

ITEC 2215Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits

ITEC 2380Web Development

3 credits

Web Design Electives (Credit: 12 hours)

Choose any 4 courses:

ITEC 3235Human Computer Interaction

3 credits

ITEC 3236Interactive Digital Media

3 credits

ITEC 4230Graphic Imaging

3 credits

ITEC 4284Web Multimedia Delivery

3 credits

Total: 18 hours