New Media and Communications (B.A.)

The Bachelor of Arts in New Media and Communications (NMAC) trains students in digital and traditional communication, giving them the opportunity to critically engage and creatively participate in the culture of mass media. Students take classes in a) New Media and Communication Theory; b) New Media Production; and c) Communication and Culture. By providing students with skills in technology and communications and by giving them an understanding of the cultural forces that shape our world, the NMAC program addresses the need for professionals in a global, technology-driven economy. The program prepares students for creative careers in areas such as web design, public relations, advertising, journalism, and video production.

Freshmen can enter the NMAC program through any major. Before they have completed sixty hours of coursework, however, students must earn at least a "C" in the following courses: COMM 1110, COMM 2202, MCOM 2131, and ITEC 2215.

Note: Students must earn a grade of "C" or higher in Area F and all upper-level coursework.

Curriculum for Bachelor of Arts in New Media and Communication

Core Curriculum (Credit: 42 hours)

See listing of requirements

Area F: Lower Division Major Requirements (Credit: 18 hours)

Major Field

A grade of at least a "C" in the following:

COMM 1100Human Communication

3 credits

COMM 1110Public Speaking

3 credits

COMM 2202Introduction to Mass Communication

3 credits

MCOM 2131News Writing and Reporting

3 credits


ITEC 2215Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits


ITEC 2201Business Information Applications

3 credits


Any approved Area C-F Course Credit: 3-4 hours

Upper Level Courses (Credit: 60 hours)

New Media and Communication Theory (Credit: 9 hours)

COMM 3010Communication Theory

3 credits

NMAC 3460Media Criticism

3 credits

NMAC 4460Senior Seminar: New Media

3 credits

New Media Production (Credit: 21 hours)

Take the following three courses:
NMAC 3145Introduction to Media Production

3 credits

ITEC 3236Interactive Digital Media

3 credits


NMAC 4483Capstone Professional Portfolio

3 credits


NMAC 4483HHonors Capstone Professional Portfolio

3 credits

Choose three of the following:
NMAC 3600Digital Storytelling

3 credits

NMAC 3610Advanced Digital Storytelling

3 credits

NMAC 3651Digital Photography & Criticism

3 credits

NMAC 4450Documentary Film Production

3 credits

NMAC 4451Fiction Film Production

3 credits

MCOM 3131Newswriting Practicum: Print and TV News Production

3 credits

Choose one of the following:
ITEC 4230Graphic Imaging

3 credits

ITEC 42373D Modeling and Animation

3 credits

ITEC 42382D Computer Animation

3 credits

Communications and Culture (Credit: 15 hours)

Choose five of the following writing-intensive courses:

Though students may take five of the following writing-intensive courses, they may not take both CRWR 4440 and NMAC 4440 toward their degree program as these classes are cross listed.

Any 3000-level or 4000-level COMM class may count in this area.

CRWR 3040Intermediate Fiction Writing

3 credits

CRWR 3700Creative Non-fiction

3 credits

CRWR 4040Advanced Fiction Writing

3 credits

CRWR 4440/NMAC 4440Screenwriting

3 credits

HUMN 3010Introduction to Cultural Studies

3 credits

HUMN 3206Gender Studies

3 credits

HUMN 3999Special Topics

3 credits

HUMN 4471Comparative Cultures

3 credits

HUMN 4472Studies in Culture

3 credits

HUMN 4482Popular Culture

3 credits

MCOM 3030Public Relations Strategy

3 credits

NMAC 3108Writing for Digital Media

3 credits

NMAC 4001Film History I

3 credits

NMAC 4002Film History II

3 credits

NMAC 4440/CRWR 4440Screenwriting

3 credits

NMAC 4481Film Analysis

3 credits

NMAC 4482Film Theory

3 credits

PFWR 3160Introduction to Professional Writing

3 credits

PFWR 3170Practical Workplace Writing

3 credits

Electives (Credit: 15 hours)

Choose five courses from the following:

Any 2000, 3000 or 4000 level COMM, CRWR, ENGL, HUMN, IDS, MCOM, or NMAC course or others with permission of the NMAC Coordinator

Any 2000, 3000 or 4000 level ITEC course with permission of NMAC Coordinator

NMAC 4470Student Editor Internship

3 credits

NMAC 4471Off Campus Internship

3 credits

NMAC 4472Sports Broadcasting Internship

3 credits

Total Hours: 120