MAT Academic Progress and Completion

Graduate interns must meet the following requirements to remain in the MAT program:

  1. Maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater in all courses in the major.
  2. Earn a grade no lower than a “B” in all MGA graduate level education program courses.
  3. Retake only one graduate level course where a grade of “C”, “D” or “F” was earned. Students will not be allowed to progress into subsequent courses.
  4. Pass all program key assessments with an 80% mastery.
  5. Interns must meet end of semester Program Checkpoints to progress to the next semester.
  6. Maintain professional liability insurance, a LiveText account and hold a valid Pre-Service Certificate for the duration of the program.
  7. Provide evidence of attempting the Georgia Educator Ethics Exit Assessment (360G) prior to progression into Practicum II (EDUC 5006).
  8. Provide evidence of submitting the edTPA portfolio prior to the end of the semester while enrolled in EDUC 5006 - Practicum II and Seminar.
  9. Complete residency requirements for MGA.
  10. Adhere to all policies and codes of personal and professional conduct, which originate with the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences, MGA, the GaPSC and associated schools/school districts.

  11. Graduate interns cannot transfer between cohorts and must complete the program course sequence to which they were initially admitted.  In case of extenuating circumstances, graduate interns may petition the Department Chair of Teacher Education and Social Work for consideration of transfer to a different cohort. Transfer requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

NOTE: Should a graduate intern complete all program requirements and the EPP determines that a candidate needs to increase competence in any area – knowledge, pedagogy, or dispositions – the EPP can request the completion of additional work before the graduate intern will be declared a program completer.