Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC)

The mission of GSAC (the Council) is to act as an advocate for graduate students in any matter concerning academics, the general welfare of graduate students, communication with the Office of Graduate Studies and any other office of the University, including the President, the Provost, and the Vice President for Student Affairs. All graduate students enrolled full-time are eligible to serve as members of GSAC, yet any graduate student may send proposals to GSAC, which shall consist of at least three graduate students (or any odd number up to seven) as nominated by graduate faculty, appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies, and approved by the President. The Council shall meet at least once a year, virtually or in person, and shall elect among its members a chair and a recorder. A student may serve as many one-year terms as nominated and approved. Minutes shall be kept, and meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised, in brief), 2004. All members are voting members. The first meeting of the year shall be called by the Dean of Graduate Studies, or his or her designee, who may be a graduate assistant or a member of the graduate faculty.