Department of Health Services Administration

Chair: Dorothy Howell

The Department of Health Services Administration is designed to prepare the student with a solid understanding of the organization, financing, and delivery of health care services. It incorporates a strong foundation of management principles and functions applied to a wide variety of health care settings and facilities. The Department places special emphasis on the administrative role in ensuring quality services for patients and supporting community health education.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Health Services Administration Program is to provide students a solid background in the organization, financing and delivery of health care services along with a strong foundation in management principles.

Student Expectations

Middle Georgia State University students are responsible for fulfilling their academic responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner and for conducting themselves with civility in interpersonal interactions. The Middle Georgia State University Student Code of Conduct contains a full description of student rights and responsibilities and the disciplinary procedures that will guide the action of the faculty and administration should a student allegedly violate the code. Students who are charged with a violation of the Middle Georgia State University Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary procedures by the School of Health and Natural Sciences and Middle Georgia State University. Any violation of the Middle Georgia State University Student Code of Conduct, whether the violation is related to a lack of integrity or civility, may result in dismissal from a Department of Health Services Administration program without consideration for re-entry.