Office of Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid is especially concerned with students who need financial assistance to attend Middle Georgia State University (MGA). The primary responsibility for financing university education rests with students and their families. Financial aid is available to supplement family contributions and is provided through a combination of sources including scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment. Either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the renewal FAFSA must be used to help determine eligibility for Pell Grant, student loans and other Federal and State programs. Family income, assets, number of family members, number in college, and other factors determine eligibility. The MGA Office of Student Financial Aid will attempt to assist students with the difference between the total expected family contribution and the cost of attending college. Any student admitted to or attending MGA is encouraged to apply for financial aid.

Student financial aid is most frequently awarded to eligible students on the basis of need or merit. Merit is determined by the entity that is providing the money to be awarded (for example, the state of Georgia, Office of Financial, or private donors). Need based aid is determined by the federal government analysis of the data provided by the student’s family or, if independent, by the student on the completed FAFSA. This analysis is transmitted to the Office of Student Financial Aid where it is compared with the cost of attendance (COA). The formula applied is: cost of attendance minus expected family contribution (EFC) equals need (COA - EFC = Need). If the family contribution is less than the cost of attendance, financial need has been established.

In general, students who apply by the priority deadline will have their aid processed by that semester’s beginning. Due to the fact that certain funds are limited, the Office of Student Financial Aid will award its yearly allocation of those funds to as many students as possible who meet the priority deadline and demonstrate the greatest need. Therefore, students are encouraged to apply as early in the year as possible.

The Office of Student Financial Aid is interested in helping students find ways to finance their education. However, federal and state law heavily regulates the financial aid application and awards process, and as a result the process takes time. At least thirty-percent of MGA students are selected for a process called verification. MGA’s Office of Student Financial Aid does not know who will be selected at the time students apply for aid. When completing the FAFSA students and parents are encouraged to utilize the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data retrieval process. This will significantly reduce the chances of being selected for verification. All students should be prepared to supply legible copies of their federal tax transcripts and W2’s from the 2017 year, a completed verification worksheet, and any additional financial documents requested by the Office of Student Financial Aid. Students who are not considered independent by the federal government would also need to submit financial document for their parents, i.e., legible copies of their parents’ federal tax transcripts and W2’s from the 2017 year. The Office of Student Financial Aid may also require a number of other documents before aid can be awarded.

Please respond quickly and accurately to any and all requests for documentation from the Office of Student Financial Aid. Requests will be made via the students’ MGA email account. This is the Office of Student Financial Aid’s primary form of communication with students. Students are responsible for obtaining and maintaining their MGA email account. Students are encouraged to check their MGA email on a regular basis.

Only by meeting the priority deadlines can students expect to have funds available at the beginning of the semester. Students who do not meet the deadlines should be prepared to pay their own fees for the semester. Please keep in mind that although we are here to help you, we are not responsible for delays caused by inaccurate or incomplete applications and files.